缅甸蓝翡翠 国色天香


寒思 Han Thi,著名模特。

Hans Han thi, famous model.

1992年1月4日,寒思出生于缅甸仰光。外号“蓝翡翠”身材高挑是标准的九头身,Han Thi长相甜美,待人也很亲和,在缅甸非常有名,不仅如此,Han Thi在国际选美上也有一定的知名度。

Hans was born in Rangoon, Myanmar on January 4, 1992. The nickname "blue jadeite" is tall and tall. It is a standard nine head body. Han thi is sweet and friendly. It is very famous in Myanmar. Moreover, Han thi has a certain popularity in international beauty pageants.


Han Thi身高174,在模特中其实不算特别高,但是Han Thi身材比例非常好,腿长一米八的既视感,完美的身材比例让Han Thi成为缅甸模特圈与各大杂志的宠儿。

Han thi is 174 in height, which is not particularly tall among the models. However, Han thi has a very good proportion of figure. His legs are 1.8 meters long. His perfect figure ratio makes him a favorite of Myanmar model circle and major magazines.


除此之外,Han Thi还是世界级选美比赛Asia New Star Model 2013韩国赛区和Miss Supranational 2014尼泊尔赛区的缅甸佳丽代表,这气质可不是盖的。

In addition, Han thi is also the representative of Myanmar in the Asia new star model 2013 South Korea competition and miss supreme 2014 Nepal competition area. This temperament is not covered.


Han Thi成名很早,已经在业内打拼了很多年,不过Han Thi长着一张娃娃脸,看起来像一个还没毕业的大学生,但其实她已经代表缅甸佳丽参加过好几次世界级的选美比赛了。

Han thi became famous very early and has been working in the industry for many years. However, Han thi has a baby face and looks like a college student who has not graduated yet. In fact, she has participated in several world-class beauty contests on behalf of Myanmar beauty.


2018年Han Thi在缅甸参加了世界级的选美大赛中摘得桂冠,还代表缅甸来中国参加世界小姐比赛。

In 2018, Han thi won the first prize in the world-class beauty pageant in Myanmar, and also represented Myanmar to participate in the Miss World competition in China.


2019年,Han Thi也如约来到中国参加比赛,举止优雅,待人却非常亲切,笑起来非常温暖,得到了中国粉丝的一致好评,还有粉丝说她笑起来有点像谢娜。

In 2019, Han thi also came to China to participate in the competition as scheduled. She was elegant, but she was very kind to others. She was very warm when she laughed. She was highly praised by Chinese fans. Some fans said that she laughed a little like Xie Na.


其实Han Thi现在这么受欢迎也并不是偶然,因为她也经常需要代表缅甸在参加世界级的比赛,所以她私底下也要学习很多国家的需要,除此之外她还要接受健身与体育的相关训练,保持好身材。

In fact, it is no accident that Han thi is so popular now, because she often needs to participate in world-class competitions on behalf of Myanmar, so she has to learn from the needs of many countries in private. In addition, she also needs to receive fitness and sports related training to maintain a good figure.


这几年Han Thi越来越火,尤其是在韩国,韩国媒体都大赞Han Thi颜值气质绝佳,惊叹:原来缅甸超模可以这么美!不过这也并不奇怪,毕竟Han Thi颜值真的很能打,身材不输林志玲,笑起来像谢娜,亲和力满分!想不火都难!

In recent years, Han thi has become more and more popular, especially in South Korea. The Korean media have praised Han thi for her excellent appearance and temperament, and marveled that Myanmar supermodel can be so beautiful! However, this is not surprising. After all, Han thi is really good at playing, and her figure is not inferior to Lin Zhiling. She smiles like Xie Na and has full affinity! It's hard to think about it or not!



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