
阮金红(Nguyễn Kim Hồng),1993年6月3日出生于胡志明市,越南女演员、平面模特。

Nguy ễ n Kim h ồ ng, born in Ho Chi Minh City on June 3, 1993, is a Vietnamese actress and plane model.



Ruan Jinhong was born in 1993 with a Vietnamese father and a Chinese mother. She lived in Vietnam when she was a child, and later moved to Shanghai. Her mother devoted herself to training her to become a model. During this period, she went back to Vietnam to shoot many groups of photos.



He moved to Canada with his father in 2005, and moved to the United States with his mother and brother in 2006 to study in a high school in New Jersey. Because of his Asian ancestry and hot body, he once caused a sensation in school.


2009年5月,因为参加在越南举行的游戏草根玩家的选秀比赛获得冠军 并与Netgame Asia公司正式签署成为旗下艺人,同时成为《蜀门OL》越南形象代言人。11月11日,在韩国首尔举行了个人写真集发布会。

In May 2009, he won the championship in the draft competition of grassroots game players held in Vietnam, and officially signed with netgame Asia to become an artist under his banner, and became the Vietnamese image spokesman of Shumen ol. On November 11, a personal photo album conference was held in Seoul, South Korea.


2010年12月3日,出演以街舞为主题的越南语电影《SAIGON YO》。

On December 3, 2010, he acted in the Vietnamese film Saigon Yo with the theme of hip hop dance.


On August 25, 2011, the sexy portrait of rabbit girl was released. In 2013, he won the "Best Actress Award" of Vietnam Film Festival. On March 16, 2014, he starred in the Vietnam ghost film Ghost school.



In October 2017, the adventure comedy film "best friend 2: no two without two" was released.

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Ruan Jinhong has an extremely hot figure. A group of sexy photos were spread on the Internet, which attracted the attention of game companies and invited her to speak for the products. Elly's appearance set off a "Vietnamese girl" craze throughout Asia.



Because of her proud figure and her innocent face, Ruan Jinhong, an Internet celebrity, was hailed as a model of childlike appearance as soon as the photo was exposed. Because she was trained as a model, she was not afraid of the camera as soon as she came out.



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