日本的奥黛丽 赫本


玉城TINA(Tina tamashiro),影视演员、时尚模特,隶属于Dine and indy事务所。

Tina (Tina tamashiro), a film and television actor and fashion model, belongs to dine and Indy.


1997年10月8日出生于日本冲绳县,玉城TINA是日美混血,她的父亲是美国人,母亲则是日本人 ;与八木ARISA关系很好,被合称为“YagiTama”。

Born on October 8, 1997 in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, Tina Yucheng is a Japanese American hybrid. Her father is American and her mother is Japanese. She has a good relationship with Amari ARISA and is collectively known as "Yagi Tama".


玉城TINA早年在社团活动期间被星探发掘。2012年7月,在讲谈社举办的选秀比赛“Miss iD2013”中顺利脱颖而出,获得特设大奖;同年8月,被选为时尚杂志《ViVi》的专属模特 ,同时也成为了《ViVi》杂志史上最年轻的模特。

In the early years, Tina in Yucheng was discovered by astrologers during the club activities. In July 2012, she successfully stood out in the talent show competition "Miss ID 2013" held by the talk club and won the special prize; in August of the same year, she was selected as the exclusive model of vivi magazine, and also became the youngest model in the history of vivi magazine.


2013年,通过出演幸田来未的单曲《Pink Spider》的MV获得更多关注 ;同年3月22日,出席了在国立代代木竞技场第一体育馆举办的第16届“Tokyo Girls Collection 2013 SPRING/SUMMER”大型时装秀活动。

In 2013, he got more attention by playing the MV of the single "Pink Spider" by Yoshida; on March 22 of the same year, he attended the 16th "Tokyo Girls Collection 2013 spring / summer" large fashion show held in the first gymnasium of the national daishiki arena.



In 2014, he starred in the sitcom "young girl without experience" starred by a guest drama troupe; in the same year, he co starred in the late night drama "the battle of love and the throne" by TBS TV station in cooperation with koguru Bayi, Mei Hui iNO, etc.



In 2015, he co starred in the fantasy love drama JK is the snow girl with pingyounai, Yokohama meteor, and huzuka Chungui, etc., and played the sister "Dongcheng Fuxue" of the heroine "Dongcheng Xiaoxue".



In 2016, he played "Lihua Zhenlin", a classmate of the heroine "Erika", in the romantic film wolf girl and the black prince, CO starred by Kenzo Yamasaki and Tomi Fujii II; in the same year, she co starred in the horror film "Zhen Zi vs GA coconut" with Yamamoto, Ai Mei Sasaki, and Meili Tanaka, which was her first performance in a horror film.


2017年,加盟龟梨和也主演的漫改爱情电影《警察和我》,饰演女主角“本谷歌子”的好友“矢口三门”;4月,出演的校园悬疑电影《暗黑女子》在日本上映 ;7月,出演恋爱电影《P与JK》 ;

In 2017, he joined in the romantic film police and me, which starred by Kui Lihe, and played the role of the best friend of the heroine "benguko"; in April, the school suspense film "dark woman" was released in Japan; in July, he starred in the love film "P and JK";


5月,玉城TINA还与野村周平、黑岛结菜等人合作共演了奇幻电影《重启咲良田》,并在该片中扮演了拥有超强能力的少女“村濑阳香”。同年10月,20岁纪念写真集《渴望》发售,12月在表参道ROCKET举办了首次写真展“一个人的事情” 。

In May, Tina of Yucheng co starred with Nomura Zhou Ping, Heidao Jiecai and others in the fantasy film "restart the good farmland", in which she played the role of a girl with super ability, "Yangxiang murase". In October of the same year, the 20-year-old commemorative photo album "yearning" was put on sale. In December, the first photo exhibition "one person's business" was held in Biao reference road rock.


2018年,出演漫改电影《绝对恋爱命令》 ;11月,出演电影《青涩宝贝》 。2019年1月,加盟门胁麦主演的电影《吉娃娃酱》;7月,出演蜷川实花导演的影片《杀手餐厅》 ,同年凭借此片获得第44届日本报知电影奖最佳新人奖;同年9月,参演漫画改编的电影《恶之华》;10月,主演的剧集《考试僵尸》播出;11月,主演《地狱少女》真人电影版。

In 2018, he starred in the film absolute love order, and in November, he starred in the film green baby. In January 2019, he joined the film "Chihuahua sauce" starred by menowama; in July, he played in the film "killer restaurant" directed by the director of sukawa In the same year, he won the best rookie award of the 44th Japanese reportage Film Award for this film; in September of the same year, he participated in the cartoon adapted film "the evil China"; in October, the starring drama "exam zombies" was broadcast; in November, he starred in the live movie version of "hell girl".



Japanese half blood model Tina Yucheng has a lovely face, round innocent eyes, a perfect ratio of 10 heads, and is also the Royal model of the photographer. Vivi is the youngest model in the history of Japanese fashion magazine "vivi". She is sweet and lovely with baby head style. Some netizens call her "Audrey Hepburn" of Japan.


玉城TINA拥有姣好的面容以及10头身的完 美身材,出道时被选秀比赛“Miss iD 2013”的评委称赞“美得让人窒息”,随后又因参演幸田来未的MV《pink spider 》人气暴涨备受关注。

With a beautiful face and a perfect figure of 10 heads, Tina was praised as "breathtaking" by the judges of the draft competition "Miss ID 2013" when she made her debut. Later, she was paid close attention to because of her participation in the MV "Pink Spider" by Yoshida.


玉城TINA的眼睛很大,给人印象很深,她在从事模特儿工作的时候总是给人凛然并且酷酷的印象,实际见到之后发现并不酷而是个拘谨且纤细的人。她在片场总是认真且诚实,拼尽全力在努力 [4] 。(导演白石晃士评)

Tina's eyes are very big and impressive. When she works as a model, she always gives a cool and cool impression. After seeing her, she finds that she is not cool, but rather a reserved and slender person. She is always serious and honest on the set, trying her best. (comments on director Bai Shihuang)



In March 2020, the starring drama "then Lily will be alone" will be broadcast; in September, the TV drama "girls in the turbulent season" starring with Yamada Xingnai will be broadcast. 》Broadcast.



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