

冬奥会令人着迷和热议的地方不仅仅于运动选手们的酷炫技能还有他们的神仙颜值。日本男子花式滑冰运动员-羽生结弦凭着超高实力和酷似漫画脸的颜值被大家誉为冰上王子。每一场赛事都让不断循环播放欣赏他在滑雪场上的优雅姿态。除了他,不少运动员的颜值也收到了关注。今天就来盘点一下2022年北京冬奥会的神仙颜值运动员- 美女系列。

What makes the Winter Olympics fascinating and hot is not only the cool skills of athletes, but also their fairy looks. Japanese men's figure skater - Yusheng Jiexian is known as the prince of ice with his super-high strength and appearance similar to comic face. Each event is played in a continuous loop to appreciate his elegant posture on the ski resort. In addition to him, the appearance of many athletes has also received attention. Today, let's take stock of the fairy beauty athlete beauty series of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.


1. 谷爱凌(自由式滑雪运动员)

1. Gu ailing (freestyle skier)


Gu Ailing was born in California. Her father is American and her mother is from Beijing. Unlike women's delicate appearance, she has a hybrid gene. Her facial features are deep, three-dimensional and heroic, showing a full sense of sunshine and movement. At the age of 18, she not only won numerous awards in freestyle skiing, but also became the darling of the fashion industry because of her outstanding appearance.




2. Ahenar (speed skating women's 1500m)


There are so many beautiful women in Xinjiang. We are familiar with Dili Reba, gulinaza and Tong Liya. Also from Xinjiang and belonging to the Kazak nationality, ahenar was evaluated by netizens as SA and beautiful. The delicate chin and straight bridge of the nose are a little similar to gulinaza in the blink of an eye. Xiaobian thinks that ahner can become an artist if she is not an athlete.



3. 范苏圆(女子冰壶)

3. Fan Suyuan (women's curling)


Fan Suyuan, who always combs his ball head and wears a pair of round framed glasses, has a gentle and sweet temperament and a healing smile. With fair skin, she is really like Liu Yifei in temperament. Some netizens said that she was only concerned about her during the whole competition. As an athlete, fan Suyuan's voice is different from her appearance. It is a loud voice with great contrast. With a northeast cavity, it's really a circle of powder.



4. 卡米拉·瓦利耶娃(花样滑冰)

4. Camilla waliyeva (figure skating)


Camilla waliyeva, known as a talented girl in figure skating, became the first woman in the short event of figure skating with a score of 90.18 in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. At the age of 15, she has broken many world records. She not only has amazing strength, slender limbs, golden ratio and ultra-high beauty, but she is like a Disney Princess on the field.



5. 特鲁索娃(花样滑冰)

5. Trusova (figure skating)


Trusova, with thick long hair like the princess with long hair in Disney, is a real-life version of Aisha in the human population. She is the first figure skater to complete the four-way jump of women's singles. For female athletes, four-way jump is not only difficult, but also a high-risk technology. Trusova's extraordinary perseverance in breaking the world record is really admirable.





Athletes are sought after and fascinated by people because of their perseverance and determination to surpass themselves forever. Beauty is just an external condition of added value.


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