渡边麻友(Watanabe Mayu),1994年3月26日出生于日本埼玉县,日本歌手、演员、主持人、声优,日本女子演艺团体AKB48 3期生,Team B前成员 。
Watanabe Mayu, born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan on March 26, 1994, is a Japanese singer, actor, host and voice actor. She was born in the third phase of AKB48, a Japanese women's performing arts group, and a former member of team B.

2006年12月3日,渡边麻友作为三期生成功入选AKB48。2007年4月8日,她在以第三期练习生为中心的新“Team B”的公演中初次亮相。2008年6月,移籍至演艺经纪公司尾木制作;10月,加入AKB48派生组合廊下奔走队。2010年,她参演了校园剧《马路须加学园》。
On December 3, 2006, Aso Watanabe was selected as a third-term student in AKB48. On April 8, 2007, she made her debut in the public performance of the new "team B" centered on the third phase of trainees. In June 2008, he moved to the Performing Arts brokerage company