索格狄安娜 Согдиана,歌手。
Sogdiana, a singer.
Sogdiana was born on February 17, 1984, from Uzbekistan. She was born in a conservatory of music.

乌兹别克斯坦是著名的“丝绸之路”古国,历史上通过“丝绸之路”与中国有着悠久的联系。 [1] 公元11—12世纪以乌孜别克族为主的国家基本形成,建立喀喇汗国和伽色尼王朝等。
Uzbekistan is a famous ancient country along the Silk Road, which has a long history of contact with China through the silk road. [1] From the 11th to the 12th century AD, Uzbek dominated countries were basically formed, and karakhanate and Ghazni Dynasty were established.