丰崎爱生(とよさき あき,Aki Toyosaki ),日本女性声优、演员、歌手。所属事务所为“Music Ray'n” 。
She is a Japanese female voice actor, performer, singer. It is "music ray 'n".
Born on October 28, 1986 in Kitajima Town, Kano Prefecture, Tokushima Prefecture, located in the southwest of Japan, it belongs to the eastern part of the four countries in Japan. It is adjacent to the Kei waterway in the East, Kochi Prefecture in the west, Pacific Ocean in the south, and Kagawa Prefecture in the North. It is surrounded by 1000 meter high mountains on three sides. It is across the Mingmen Strait and kuilu island in Hyogo Prefecture. With convenient transportation, it is an important link between the four countries and Kinki, the four countries and Hanshin Go.

The sound of the sound is used. Main character girl, mature woman and boy color. Let's live! "Series or" light speed large pianopia "pianoped in the middle of the figure. It was a good idea to be able to take a long time.
In the beginning, it is a part of the bulb part, and it is good, and it is good, and it is good, and it is good, and the middle part is received, and the person who does not have a human body is said "the mouse part".

It is a small character, and it is an injury, and it is an unpleasant person, and an interpersonal relationship, and it is a child of the child who is wasted, and it is a small elementary school, and it is said that it is a thing of the heaven and the United States In the height of the high and high level, it is possible to have the character of the life to be able to be done. " I am a member of the local government, and I am a local director of the Shikoku district (JRT). (the cause of the cause is that it was released on June 12, 2008. It is the self vocal voice that it is possible to receive the empress first. I can't imagine how much I love you, you know, I'm so happy that you are a good man It is the schedule that the voice of the Suzaki is done. This is my best answer. "

2005-06年期间,参加了新兴事务所Music Ray‘n举办的“Music Rain超级声优试镜”(那时候田中理惠也是选拔会的审查员)应募并合格。
During the period from 2005 to 2006, I participated in the new release of music ray 'n', "music rain".
2007, go! The appearance of the main corner color of Mr. As for the empress, it is the shade color in the work.

2009年2月15日,在事务所举办的“Music Ray'n girls 春之巧克力祭典”中,与同事务所的寿美菜子、高垣彩阳、户松遥正式组合“Sphere”进行音乐活动(隶属于Glory Heaven)。
On February 15, 2009, the music ray 'n girls spring and summer festival' was held at the same time, and the same thing was held in the same day, "Minako Takasaki, Takaki kogaki, and" haematsu "formal combination" sphere ".
On March 4, 2009, the voice of the member voice "sphere" was sent.
2009年4月22日,所属声优团体“Sphere”发行首张单曲《Future Stream》。
April 22, 2009, the voice of the member voice "sphere" was performed.
In April 2009, she appeared in the "little girl".
2009年10月28日,在23岁生日这天,以个人名义歌手出道,并发行首张个人单曲 《Love Your Life》。
On October 28, 2009, 23 days ago, I went out to the singer and went to the concert.

2010年3月6日,获得第4回声优奖新人声优奖 [4] ,与共同出演《K-ON》的寿美菜子、日笠阳子、佐藤聪美、竹达彩奈的结成的组合“放课后茶会(HTT)”获得歌唱奖。
On March 6, 2010, the fourth voice of the new voice is a voice of the new voice [4], and the joint appearance [K-ON], Minako tsunamu, Hiroko Higasa, Satomi Sato, and the bamboo conglomerate foundation "hue" is sung.
In June, 2010, "animage" is the 32nd note of the great voice.

March 1, 2011, the appearance appeared in "the sound girl" in the middle of the year.
On March 5, 2011, the voice of the fifth voice starring the voice of the fifth voice is the most popular voice of the woman.
In June, 2011, we moved to Tokyo, Nagoya, and the God of the earth.
2011年7月16日,所属声优团体“Sphere”开始主持和主演第一档冠上团体名义的电视节目《sphere club》。
On July 16, 2011, the voice belonging to the voice of the sphere "sere" is the main actor of the first session, and the sphere club.

On November 11th, 2012, the voice belonging to the community is "spere".
2012 is a supervisor of the stage, and this is the first overseas production of sphere.

On October 27, 2013, the second participant of the second movement of the Japanese people, the sum of the powder and powder was 27 days.
December 12, 2014, the 12th portrait "portrait" portrait.
2017年7月19日,发售首张精选专辑《love your Best》,除了15首由本人亲自选取的歌之外,还包含了1首新歌《猫になる》(成为猫)。同日,还发售了第一张黑胶唱片,收录另外精心挑选的9首歌曲。
On July 19, 2017, you will be able to find out about the length of your favorite song. On the same day, the first movement is the first song, and the external song is 9 songs.

2018年10月24日,发售首张个人翻唱专辑《AT living》,主要包含了70年代的昭和名曲。
On October 24, 2018, he was a member of the Showa period.
2019年9月1日,为庆祝《轻音少女》(K-on)十周年,与寿美菜子、日笠阳子、佐藤聪美、竹达彩奈作为神秘嘉宾,出演Animelo Summer Live2019,引爆全场。
On Sept. 1, 2019, the 10th anniversary of the congratulations, K-ON, nayo yosaka, Haruko Higasa, Yumi Sato, and Kazuki chikuro, the appearance of animelo summer live 2019, all the episodes.
2019年11月9日,所属声优团体“Sphere”参加《LisAni! live BEIJING》,这是Sphere首次在国内演出,丰崎爱生本人也是第一次来到中国。
On November 9th, 2019, the voice of the member "sere" participation (Liani! Live beaming) of the member voice is directed in the next country.

In 2020, he was able to play in the shadow of a young man in the shadow of the picture.
On February 26, 2021, Yazaki was born.