
朴敏智(박민지/Park Min Ji),韩国女演员、模特。

Park Minzhi, Korean actress and model.



Born on July 22, 1989, park Minzhi often photographed pictorial for magazines during her study. Her pure image like a girl next door left a deep impression.


在电影《珍妮和朱诺》中她饰演未婚先孕的少女珍妮,可爱、野蛮、清新的人物风格与角色完全贴合,受到了观众的关注和喜爱,被称作是“韩国电影界的文根英” 。

In the film "Jennie and Juno", she plays a young girl who is pregnant before marriage. Her lovely, savage and fresh character style fully fits the role, which attracts the attention and love of the audience. She is known as "Wen Geng Ying of Korean film industry".


2003年,参加Ceci模特儿选拔大会正式出道。2005年,参演都市爱情喜剧《18岁,29岁》,饰演女主柳惠灿的少女时代 。同年,被导演金浩俊选中,搭档金慧星主演喜剧电影《珍妮和朱诺》,饰演15岁就怀孕的少女珍妮 。

In 2003, Ceci model selection conference was officially launched. In 2005, she took part in the urban love comedy "18 years old, 29 years old" and played the female leader Liu huican's girlhood. In the same year, he was selected by director Jin Haojun to star in the comedy film "Jennie and Juno" with his partner, Jin Huixing, as a girl who was pregnant at the age of 15.


2006年,搭档温朱万主演伦理电影《彼得潘的公式》,饰演与继母生活在一起的善良女孩敏智,该片获得法国亚洲电影节评委会大奖 。

In 2006, his partner, Wen Zhuwan, starred in the ethical film "the formula of Peter Pan" and played Minzhi, a kind girl living with her stepmother. The film won the jury award of the French Asian Film Festival.

2007年,与沈惠珍、陈源合作主演成长励志剧《最强妈妈》,饰演固执外貌下有着国际思想和坚强性格的高一女生吴彩琳 。

In 2007, she co starred with Shen Huizhen and Chen Yuan in the growing inspirational drama "the strongest mother". She played Wu Cailin, a high school girl with a stubborn appearance and a strong personality.


2008年3月,与张根硕、车艺莲联袂主演爱情治愈电影《七音符》。5月,参演家庭剧《你是我的命运》,饰演生活在单亲家庭中的高中生潘允希 。

In March 2008, he co starred with Zhang Genshuo and Che Yilian in the love cure movie seven notes. In May, he took part in the family drama "you are my destiny", playing pan Yunxi, a high school student living in a single parent family.



In 2010, he took part in the inspirational love drama "the birth of a rich man", playing Zheng Hanrong's daughter. In April 2012, he starred in the romantic comedy "marriage strategy" with Jiang Huizhen and Li kuihan as a lively and beautiful money worshipper Liu minzhen. In October, he took part in the costume drama "dafengshui" and played Prajna (a teenager), the first lover of Chi Shang.


2013年,参演由宋承宪、申世京主演的情感伦理剧《当男人恋爱时》,饰演女主角徐美都的好朋友、梦想成为艺人的银惠 。

In 2013, she took part in the emotional ethics drama "when a man is in love" starred by song Chengxian and Shen Shijing, playing a good friend of the heroine Xu Meidu and a dream of becoming an artist.

2014年,参演犯罪侦查剧《神的测验4》,饰演有皮肤病的女孩朴夏英 。2015年,参演电影《春季奶奶》,饰演在艰难现实中坚强生活的女高中生敏熙,也是女主角最依赖的好朋友 。

In 2014, she took part in the crime investigation drama "God's test 4" and played Pu Xiaying, a girl with skin diseases. In 2015, she took part in the film "Granny spring" and played Minxi, a female high school student who lives a strong life in the hard reality. She is also the heroine's best friend.



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