《贞子》 女主角池田依来沙

池田依来沙(池田エライザ,Ikeda Elaiza),日本女演员、模特,隶属于Ever Green Entertainment事务所。

Ikeda ERI (Ikeda Eliza, Ikeda Eliza) is a Japanese female performer, a special feature of the Great Green entertainment.



On April 16, 1996, Japan's largest capital city was located in non Japanese Sea city, and it was equivalent to the Kyoto area. This is the opening of the Japanese cultural inflow in Japan, and it is a direct departure from China Taiwan and Chugoku District of China.


池田依来沙是个日本、菲律宾混血儿 。小学时期,她经常受到同学的欺负。她在高三时前往东京担任模特工作,毕业后,她没有选择上大学进修,而是继续担任模特。

Ikeda Ikeda is a Japanese, and a mixed blood. In elementary school, it is the same thing. In addition, there are three hours before the completion of the University.

2009年,池田依来沙在时尚杂志《nicola》第13回 nicola 模特面试中获得大奖,成为其专属模特而出道。2011年,出演个人首部电影《高校新人》,从而正式进入演艺圈。

In 2009, Ikeda, Nicola "Nicola" is a special example of Nicola. In 2011, he appeared as a member of the club in the shadow of the high school.



In April 2013, Shota yosoya and ERI mano appeared in front of the lecture hall. Shochu. In May, "Nicola" will be the first of the month, "cancam".



In September 2015, the starring hallucinations of the starring school hallucinations of the earth were performed, and this time, I was able to see the jellydance. In April 2016, he played the role of the chief executive officer, and watched "Shibuya zero chome". On May 28th, the performance of the festival of the late autumn tree, "the girl of the wolf girl and the pheasant" is shown.


2017年1月,出演的由上白石萌音主演的美食剧《只要有北斋和饭》播出 。3月,主演根据押见修造原作漫画改编的真人剧《我在麻理体内》。4月15日,参演的漫改电影《relife》在日本上映,在片中饰演成绩优秀、体育万能、不服输的狩生玲奈。

In January 2017, the predecessor Yushi hakuseki starring "Ebisu Yukita wa Wo Wo" is the appearance. In March, the starring rooster is the original cartoon of the reformation of the original cartoon. On April 15, the movie "relife" was screened in Japan, and it was performed in the inside of the play, the talent of physical education, and the renowned Hunter Reina.


8月15日,出演的由木村文乃主演的深夜剧《伊藤君A to E》播出 。9月,参演的运动题材青春校园电影《鸟女》上映。10月,参演的富士台深夜剧《AI:我与女友与人工智能》播出。

On August 15, starring Bune yukimura, ITO ITO a to e starred. In September, she performed the demonstration of the youth of the youth youth costume. In October, the performance Fuji Dai midnight night (AI: my friend and artificial intelligence) sled out.


11月11日,与中尾畅树搭档主演由同名少女漫画改编的纯爱电影《礼尚吻来》,她在其中饰演在弓道上倾尽心力六年却没有得到回报、决心引退的岸本杏 。12月,主演电视剧《东京闲暇女大学生》。

On November 11, the name of Yojiro nakanao starring "the name of the girl comic book" is the revelation of the revelation. In December, she played the role of the Tokyo Kyoiku women's college student.

2018年2月17日,出演的漫改电影《樱桃男孩》在日本上映。3月,出演的安藤政信主演推理剧《不放过任何事件的侦探2》播出。4月27日,参演的土屋太凤、菅田将晖共同主演漫改电影《邻座的怪同学》上映 。7月7日,主演的电影《Room Laundering》在日本上映。

On February 17, 2018, he appeared on the screen in Japan. In March, an appearance starring Masanobu Ando appeared as a result of the release. On April 27th, taichiro Tsuchiya and suga Masa played a joint demonstration of the shadow and shadow of the moon. On July 7, starring play "room laundering" in Japan.


8月,参演的由大根仁执导的剧情片《阳光姐妹淘》上映。9月,参演的Paravi原创日剧《Tourist》分别在TBS、东京台和wowow播出。10月19日,参演的由佐藤健主演的电影《亿男》在日本上映,她在其中饰演帮忙寻找九十九的玲 。11月,《Room Laundering》剧版在MBS/TBS开播 。

In August, he was a playful actor of the Japanese Film Festival. In September, the paravi original day of the day was held in TBS, Tokyo. On October 19, a starring actor Yoshikazu Sato starred in the film in Japan, and he was so busy. In November, "room laundering" was released.


2019年3月,参演的东京电视台建台55周年特别企划剧《两个祖国》播出 。与此同时,她还出演了漫改剧《狂赌之渊 第二季》。5月24日,主演的恐怖电影《贞子》在日本上映。10月,出演电视剧《左撇子艾伦》。

In March 2019, the performance of the fifteenth anniversary of the performance of the Kyoto capital building was introduced. This is the second season. On May 24th, starring fearful horror show "in Japanese". In October, he appeared as an actor.



On February 27, 2020, Mr. Ikeda and Yoshiro Nakatani appeared in the shadow of the demonstration, and the performance of the performance of the momota momota festival was performed. On March 20, the appearance appeared in the movie "yukitsuki shinbukichi".


4月,参演由松重丰主演的漫改剧《今日的猫村小姐》 。6月19日,参演的大泉洋主演电影《错视画的利牙》在日本上映。同年,首部执导电影作品《夏季来时》上映 。8月,与田口智朗搭档双主演深夜剧《在名建筑里吃午餐》 。

In April, he performed a comic play featuring Matsushige, and it is today. On June 19, the performance of the production of Oizumi Hiroshi is shown in Japan. In the same year, he appeared in the work of "Heike ryota". In August, starring tomojiro yotaguchi, starring at midnight night.




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