斯里兰卡国花 蓝色睡莲


杰奎琳·费南德斯(Jaqueline Fernandez),斯里兰卡主持人、演员。

Jacqueline Fernandez, Sri Lanka host and actor.


1984年6月2日,杰奎琳出生于斯里兰卡科伦坡。斯里兰卡(Sri Lanka),全称斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国(The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka),旧称锡兰,是个热带岛国,位于印度洋海上,英联邦成员国之一。

Jacqueline was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on June 2, 1984. Sri Lanka, full name of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, is a tropical island country located in the Indian Ocean, one of the member states of the Commonwealth.



In ancient China, it was called Lion Kingdom, Shizi state and Sinhala. The economy is dominated by agriculture, and the country's most important export product is Ceylon black tea. It is also one of the three largest tea producing countries in the world, so its domestic economy is deeply affected by tea production.



Colombo is located on the southwest Bank of Ceylon Island, bordering on the Indian Ocean and bounded by the kelleni River in the north. As the gateway to Sri Lanka, it is known as "the crossroads of the East". It is the largest city and commercial center of Sri Lanka, an important port in the Indian Ocean and a world famous artificial seaport.



Jacqueline grew up as a child in Sri Lanka, where the conflict escalated, and her family moved to Bahrain. Because of the ups and downs, her childhood life is not like those carefree happy children, every day is holding a kite happy running days.



There are two younger brothers and a sister in the family. As the second in the family, Jacqueline has not been taken special care of by her parents in a family that is not rich. But this does not prevent her from becoming a person who dares to pursue her ideal. Through hard work, she successfully went to university and graduated from the University of Sydney with a professional degree in media communication.



After graduation, Jacqueline came to Bombay with her dream. Because of his outstanding appearance and versatility, he embarked on the road of performing arts and became a famous first-line star.


His works mainly include Aladdin and dhanno.



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