


Anisa zamirova, archer.

1998年9月25日,阿妮莎出生于塔吉克斯坦杜尚别。塔吉克斯坦共和国(塔吉克语:Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон,英语:The Republic of Tajikistan),简称塔吉克斯坦,位于阿富汗斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和中国之间,是中亚五国中唯一主体民族非突厥族系的国家,也是中亚五国中国土面积最小的国家。

On September 25, 1998, Anisha was born in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The Republic of Tajikistan (Tajik: English: the Republic of Tajikistan), referred to as Tajikistan, is located between Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and China. It is the only non Turkic country in the five Central Asian countries, and it is also the smallest country in China.



The Tajik tribes were basically formed in the 9th-10th century. It was conquered by Mongolian Tatars in the 13th century. In 1868, the North was incorporated into the Russian Empire. In 1929, the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic was incorporated into the Soviet Union and became one of the Soviet Union's joined republics. It became independent on September 9, 1991 and implemented the presidential system.




Tajikistan's economic foundation is relatively weak and its structure is relatively simple. The political and economic crisis after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and many years of civil war caused serious damage to the national economy of Tajikistan. Since 1997, the economy has gradually recovered, and new currencies have been issued since the beginning of the 21st century to stabilize and improve the national financial system.



Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikistan. It is located at 38.5 degrees north latitude and 68.8 degrees east longitude. The main residents are Tajik people, and other ethnic groups are Tatar and Ukrainian. On December 26, 2019, it ranked 467 on the global city 500 list in 2019.



Dushanbe is a new city established by three remote villages such as jushambe after the October Revolution. Since 1925, it has been called a city. Before 1925, it was called kishrak. Dushanbe was called Dushanbe from 1925 to 1929, originally translated as kushambe, meaning Monday. It was named after the market every Monday.

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1929~1961年称斯大林纳巴德(Stalinabad),意为“斯大林城”。 1929年成为塔吉克苏维埃社会主义共和国(前苏联加盟共和国)的首都。1961年后改称杜尚别。1991年9月成为宣布独立的塔吉克斯坦共和国首都。

From 1929 to 1961, it was called stalinabad, meaning "Stalin city". In 1929, it became the capital of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic. It was renamed Dushanbe after 1961. In September 1991, it became the capital of the Republic of Tajikistan, which declared its independence.



Dushanbe is basically a city without industrial pollution. Living here, you can hardly catch a cold. There is no smoke and fog from the chimneys, no suffocating harmful gas from a large number of cars, and no crowded, noisy and angry crowd. The electricity and gas are used by every family here. The population is small, and there are not many cars. If the greening is done well, the air will be fresh.



Archers of 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. Anisa won the first place in the national championship.



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