

奥马尔·布尔坎·阿加拉(omar borkan gala),阿拉伯顶级男模,摄影师。因被传“长得太帅”在沙特阿拉伯文化节被驱逐出境在网上走红。

Omar borkan Gala, top Arab male model, photographer. It became popular on the Internet because it was said that he was "too handsome" to be deported at the Saudi Arabian Cultural Festival.



In March 2013, he was a commentator at the "heritage and culture of Saudi Arabia's gennadiria". He was later expelled for "being too handsome". Although Omar was expelled for self promotion, it made him famous.


他的instagram个人账户(omarborkan)已有超过40万粉丝。Facebook账户(Omar BorkanGala)同样受到广大粉丝追捧。

His instagram personal account (omarborkan) has more than 400000 fans. Facebook accounts (Omar borkan Gala) are also popular with fans.


三名阿联酋男子在沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得(Riyadh)的“沙特杰纳迪里亚遗产文化节”(Jenadrivah Heritage & Cultural Festival)展馆介绍自己国家的产品,遭到沙特警方强制驱逐出境。理由很搞笑,竟然是因为他们太帅了,警方担心当地女人无法抗拒他们的魅力。阿拉伯联合酋长国则发表官方声明称,被遣走是因为一名未透露姓名的女性艺术家,她当时也是在展馆参与活动,但并未在出席计划之列,所以沙特的宗教警察比较担心。

Three UAE men introduced their products at the jenadrivah Heritage & Cultural Festival Pavilion in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and were forcibly deported by Saudi police. The reason is funny. They are so handsome that the police are worried that local women can't resist their charm. The United Arab Emirates issued an official statement saying that she was dismissed because of an unnamed female artist. She was also participating in the activities in the pavilion at that time, but she was not included in the attendance plan, so Saudi religious police were more worried.



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