

索格狄安娜 Согдиана,歌手。

Sogdiana, a singer.


Sogdiana was born on February 17, 1984, from Uzbekistan. She was born in a conservatory of music.


乌兹别克斯坦是著名的“丝绸之路”古国,历史上通过“丝绸之路”与中国有着悠久的联系。 [1] 公元11—12世纪以乌孜别克族为主的国家基本形成,建立喀喇汗国和伽色尼王朝等。

Uzbekistan is a famous ancient country along the Silk Road, which has a long history of contact with China through the silk road. From the 11th to the 12th century AD, Uzbek dominated countries were basically formed, and karakhanate and Ghazni Dynasty were established.



In 1924, the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic was established and joined the Soviet Union, becoming one of the Soviet Union's joined republics. Independence was declared on 31 August 1991.


狄安娜曾在乌兹别克斯坦的各类歌唱比赛中获得大奖,并在2001年发行了首张专辑Моя душа(我的灵魂),那时她才17岁。那之后,她又陆续获得了地方乃至国际级别的歌唱比赛。

Diana has won awards in various singing competitions in Uzbekistan and released her first album "my soul" in 2001 when she was only 17 years old. Since then, she has won local and international singing competitions.


2003年,受到乌兹别克斯坦的嘉奖,以肯定她在演艺方面的成就。2005年,发行第二张专辑Мой принц... Все равно придет!。

In 2003, she was praised by Uzbekistan for her achievements in performing arts. In 2005, he released his second album, m ü nven  Мой принц... Все равно придет!。


In 2006, she decided to go to Russia for development and participated in the sixth star factory draft. In the same year, she won her first golden gramophone with the song "C è ppel Сердце-Магнит. In 2007, she had a child, a child, which did not stop her acting career.


2007年末,她凭借广受好评的歌曲Синее небо(蓝天)获得了第二座金色留声机。2008年初,她在俄罗斯境内发行专辑Сердце-Магнит。2008年末,她再度卫冕金色留声机,这次她带来的是Ветер догнать。

At the end of 2007, she won her second golden gramophone with her highly acclaimed song, Синее небо. At the beginning of 2008, she released an album in Russia, which is called "Сердце-Магнит. At the end of 2008, she defended her gold gramophone again. This time, she brought with her a brand-new brand of the golden phonograph.

而在2010年,她凭借这首具有海盗风情的На Восток от Эдема再度获得了金色留声机,这已经是第四次了!

In 2010, she won the golden gramophone for the fourth time with the pirate style of the song, which is the first time!



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