他演得了变态 做得了文艺男


菅田将晖(すだ まさき、Suda Masaki),1993年2月21日出生于日本大阪府。日本男演员、歌手。

Sugata Masaru (Suda maki), February 21, 1993, born in Osaka Prefecture. Japanese man starring, singer.


In 2009, Mr. Sugata won the first appearance, and it was the beginning of the life. In 2010, there was a psychic assumption. In 2011, the appearance comics reform shadow "high school rookie".



In 2012, he played "king and me". In the year 2013, the performance of the high school student in the high school was performed in the same year; the main stage of the performance was the shadow of the performance of the play in the same year. In 2014, the appearance of the performance of the starring play is also known as "the light of the Naka", and the 29th volume of Takasaki Shimbun is the most beautiful man.


2015年,主演喜剧《民王》 。2016年,主演漫画改编电影《暗杀教室:毕业篇》、富士月九剧《love song》。

In 2015, starring the king of the king. In 2016, the main theme of the movie is "the shadow of the shadow".

2017年,主演漫改真人电影《帝一之国》、《银魂》分别上映 ;同年凭借《帝一之国》、《啊,荒野》、《火花》等影片获得第42届报知电影奖最佳男主角奖 。

In the year 2017, the starring reform of the real man, the emperor of the Empire, and the "soul" were performed.


2018年3月,凭借《啊,荒野:前篇》获得第41届日本电影学院奖最佳男主角奖 和日本文部科学大臣电影部门新人奖。

In March 2018, borrowed, "the wilderness: the first volume" was the 41st Japanese Academy of shadows, and the Minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology.


2019年,凭借校园悬疑剧《3年A班-从此刻起,大家都是我的人质-》获得第22届日刊体育日剧大奖——冬季剧最佳男主角奖、第100届日剧学院奖最佳男主角 。

In 2019, the borrowed School Park was asked for three years a, this time, and the house is my own.



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