


Kimberly Le cour de bijo, cyclist.


Born on March 23, 1996 in the village of Albert pool, Mauritius, the Republic of Mauritius is an island country in the east of Africa, located in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, about 800 km away from Madagascar and 2200 km away from the African continent.



As a volcanic island country, Mauritius is surrounded by coral reefs, with various landforms. There are narrow Plains along the coast, plateau mountains in the middle, and many mountains and isolated peaks.

整个国土由毛里求斯岛和其他小群岛组成,经历荷兰、法国和英国等国殖民统治后,于1968年3月12日脱离英国殖民获得独立,岛上亦有不少华人 。

The whole territory consists of the island of Mauritius and other small islands. After colonial rule by the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom, it gained independence from the British colony on March 12, 1968. There are also many Chinese on the island.



Mauritius used to be the only place in the world where the Dodo lived, but it became extinct in the late 17th century. As of 2013, Mauritius was one of the three African countries rated as "high" in the human development index.



Mauritius is one of the few rich countries in Africa. In 2018, the per capita GDP of Mauritius was US $1003.97, with a relatively rich life and a relatively developed economy, which is known as "African Switzerland".



In 2014, Kimberly was a cyclist in Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. At 20:00 p.m. on August 16, 2014, the opening ceremony of the second Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing was held at the main venue of Nanjing Olympic Sports Center Stadium.



China's president Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the Youth Olympic Games. The opening ceremony of the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games was only 1/3 of the Beijing Olympic Games, and the cost of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing was 1/10 of the Olympic Games.


金伯莉曾获非洲洲际锦标赛XCO 2013-青年女子组第四名。相信金伯莉将在自行车手的道路上越走越远。

Kimberly has won the fourth place in the xCo 2013 - young women's group of the African intercontinental Championships. It is believed that Kimberly will go further and further on the road of cyclists.



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