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桥本环奈(はしもとかんな、Kanna Hashimoto),日本女演员、歌手,偶像团体Rev. from DVL前成员。

It is a Japanese female demonstration, singer, idol Association Rev.

1999年2月3日出生于日本福冈县,2007年,小学三年级的桥本环奈希望能够出演电视,便拜托了母亲,在母亲帮助下,她加入了日本福冈当地的经纪公司“Active Hakata” ,刚开始桥本环奈主要是以出演地方广告为主要工作,但她认为能够站在舞台上就很开心了。

On February 3, 1999, born in Japan, Fukuchiyama, 2007, the third year of the school is the first anniversary of the year, and the mother of the mother, the mother of the mother, and the mother of the mother, and the mother of the Japan Foundation, "active Hakata", the first of all, the main part of the stage is the main theme of the event.



In 2009, an image of an active body "DVL" was achieved.


In 2011, the appearance of the person in charge "shadow".



In November 2013, in the event of Hakata "the feast", we were able to take part in the scene of the act.


2014年3月3日,随组合宣布正式出道 ;同年,参演了青春运动剧《水球不良青年们》。

On March 3, 2014, the official draft of zuikankei was performed.


In March 2015, the appearance of the school fundoshi Park "dark room".



In 2016, starring shadows, water garments and desks were made, and the main undertaking was composed of many people.



In the year 2017, "the 40th Japanese Academy of Shadows" is the best new person; in the same year, the expression of the revelation in the first half of the year is the expression of the color of the expression played in the back of the eye.


2018年,参演漫改校园喜剧《我是大哥大》,并凭借该作品获得了第7届JAPAN ACTION AWARDS的优秀动作女演员奖。

In 2018, the performance of the renovation of the school dropouts of the school, "my big gal", and the balance of the play is the seventh exhibition awakening.


On February 18, 2019, the main character of the main character of the story is "the love of a person".


2020年1月24日,她主演的R15电影《Signal 100》上映,在片中饰演以超强行动力和坚强的心为解决事件奔走的主人公坚村怜奈 ;2月6日,桥本环奈获得了第44届黄金飞翔奖新人奖;同年,与佐藤大树共同主演校园片《小说之神:和你才写得出来的故事》,在片中饰演人气抖S高中生作家小余绫诗凪;7月17日,其出演的喜剧片《我是大哥大电影版》上映 ;8月14日,她参演的由永濑廉主演的漫改电影《飙速宅男》上映 ;10月15日,其出演的由深田恭子主演的电视剧《鲁邦之女2》播出,在剧中饰演京都代代相传的“名侦探一家”的女儿北条美云;12月11日,其出演的古装电影《三国志新解》上映,在片中饰演诸葛亮之妻黄月英。

On January 24, 2020, a leading feature of the R15 projection, "sigma100", was performed on the whole of the piece, and the performance of the parentheses was rewarded as a thrilling hero, Reina, on February 6, in the same year, in the same year, the main character of the game was the same as that of the Giants This is the first episode of the first episode of the first episode of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first story of the first generation of the first story of the first generation Miyoshi Hojo: on December 11, the appearance of the appearance of the old Japanese style costume "sankoku Shi shinpo" was performed, and the performance was performed in the inside of a piece of the moon.



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