

清野菜名(Nana Seino),日本影视演员、平面模特,隶属于Sticker事务所。

Nana seino, a Japanese film and television actor and graphic model, belongs to sticker.


Born on October 14, 1994 in inazawa City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, qingyo cuisine is a girl who is good at sports, known as "sports versatile girl". As a child, she was good at sports. Her action play in the film "Tokyo mob" even surprised director yuan Ziwen. She also showed her exquisite performance in front of Suzuki Liang's many predecessors, which made them look at this young girl with great admiration.


2007年,清野菜名在时尚杂志《Pichilemon》举办的第15届“ピチモオーディションでグランプリ”选秀比赛中获奖,同年5月成为该杂志的专属模特 。

In 2007, the name of Qingye cuisine was held in the 15th "ピチモオー" held by fashion magazine pichilemon In May of the same year, she became the exclusive model of the magazine.


2009年,在日本杂志《周刊young jump》和《周刊花花公子》联合举办的新一代偶像选拔赛中,从十六位最终候补人选里选出获得第二名。

In 2009, in the new generation idol selection competition jointly held by Japanese magazines "young jump" and "weekly playboy", 16 final candidates were selected to win the second place [9].

2010年,高中入学时移居到了东京,高中三年间隶属于学校的动作部 。另外,在读高二的1年时间里,在动作导演坂口拓的指导下进行了本格动作训练 。

In 2010, I moved to Tokyo when I was a senior high school student. I was attached to the school's action department for three years. In addition, during one year of high school, under the guidance of action director Sakuta, he had Ben Ge action training.


2011年3月,参演了关西电视台制作的的特摄剧《神话戦士ギガゼウス》;6月,清野菜名与当时所属的Tambourine Artists事务所合约期满,随后她便退社;7月,在川口春奈主演的漫改日剧《樱兰高校男公关部》里饰演了男公关部的女性常客仓贺野百华;同年8月,签约Sticker(ステッカー)事务所;9月,清野菜名从杂志《Pichilemon》顺利毕业。

In March 2011, he took part in the special drama "mythical Sanshi" produced by Kansai TV station; in June, the name of Qingye cuisine and tambourine, which belonged to at that time In July, she played a female frequent guest in the male public relations department of male public relations department of Sakurai University starring Chunnai Kawaguchi. In August of the same year, she signed a contract with sticker (ステッーーステッカーーーステッカーーーーーステッーーー) in.


In 2012, he starred in the feature film "オチキオキキ).


2013年6月,客串东京电视台出品的特摄剧《牙狼:照耀黑暗之人》的第10集;12月,参演佐藤健主演的秋季档深夜短剧《她爱上了我的谎:我和她相遇前的故事 》;同年,与须贺健太、竹富圣花、木之本岭浩等人联袂出演了金子修介执导的悬疑惊悚电影《祭品的困境》上部。

In June 2013, he guest starred in the 10th episode of Tokyo TV's special drama "the wolf: the man who shines on the dark"; in December, he took part in the autumn short drama "she fell in love with my lie: the story before I met her" starring Sato 》In the same year, he co starred in the first part of the suspense thriller "the dilemma of sacrifice" directed by Jin Zi Xiujie, together with Suhe Jiantai, zhufushenghua and mu Zhiben Linghao.


2014年1月,与中川翔子、武田梨奈、市川真央联袂出演的动作电影《布偶人Z》在日本首映 ;8月,搭档白洲迅合作出演富士电视台深夜剧《不会结束的故事》;10月,在竹野内丰主演的穿越题材日剧《最好的选择TAXI》里饰演了个性可爱、天真烂漫的咖啡店店员关宽和 ;11月,参演了wowow电视台深夜剧《情侣酒店》中的单元故事;同年清野菜名还在动作电影《东京暴走族》的试镜甄选会中审查合格,被选拔为该电影的女主角 。

In January 2014, the action film "puppet Z" co starred with Xiangko Nakagawa, rynai Takeda and Masako Ishikawa premiered in Japan In August, his partner Bai zhouxun co starred in Fuji TV's late night drama "the story that will not end"; in October, he played the role of cute and innocent coffee shop assistant Kuan Kuan and in the Japanese drama "the best choice" starring takeno naifeng In November, she participated in the unit story of the late night drama "lovers' Hotel" of Wowo TV station; in the same year, the name of Qingye cuisine was examined and qualified in the audition selection meeting of the action film "Tokyo mob", and was selected as the heroine of the film.


2015年1月,与生田斗真、小栗旬、上野树里联袂出演根据神崎裕也同名原作改编的日剧《无间双龙》,并在该剧中饰演了警视庁警务部的女警田村小夏 ;4月,加盟大野拓朗主演的东京电视台深夜剧《恋爱理论》,扮演清纯美丽的女大学生桐谷怜子;10月,在绫野刚主演的治愈系医疗剧《产科医鸿鸟》里饰演了妇产科女医生角田真弓;同年主演悬疑剧情片《东京无国籍少女》,为其首次担任电影主演。

In January 2015, he co starred in the Japanese drama "Infernal Twin Dragons" adapted from the original work of the same name by Yukio Kawasaki, and played the role of a policewoman named tanamura Kobayashi in the play In April, he joined the Tokyo TV station's late night drama "theory of love" starring Ono, playing the role of pure and beautiful female college student Tonggu Lianzi; in October, she played the role of gynecological and obstetrician female doctor Masao Okada in the cure department medical drama "obstetrics medicine bird" starred by Ayano; in the same year, she starred in the suspense drama "Tokyo stateless girl" for her first time.

2016年4月,主演名古屋电视台出品的美食剧《伙食庄》,在剧中与菊池亚希子合作共演姐妹,这也是其首次担任电视剧主演;6月,搭档柳俊太郎联合出演清水崇执导的悬疑惊悚电影《雨女》,首次挑战恐怖片;同月22日,与藤冈靛联袂出演的网络爱情剧《快乐婚礼》在日本首播 ;同年,清野菜名还与长濑智也、神木隆之介、尾野真千子联袂出演了宫藤官九郎执导的音乐奇幻喜剧《早死早投胎之地狱摇滚篇》。

In April 2016, he starred in the gourmet drama "kitchen village" produced by Nagoya TV station, in which he co acted as a sister, which is also his first time as a TV drama star; in June, his partner Liu juntaro co starred in the suspense thriller "rain girl" directed by qingshuichong, challenging the horror film for the first time; on the same month, he co starred with Fujioka indi in the online love drama happy wedding 》It was first broadcast in Japan; in the same year, Kiyoshi NAGase, takasuke kamuno and Masako Ueno co starred in the musical fantasy comedy "hell rock and roll: early death and early rebirth" directed by Miyagi guanjiuro.



In April 2017, the suspense film "dark woman" was released in Japan, in which he played the writer Takaoka night; in the same month, he decided to join the suspense film "swaying restless heart" starring Yoshiko; in July, he guest starred in the Asahi TV midday drama "the land of tranquility" directed by Kurimoto; in the same year, he also co starred in the love film "perfect revolution" with Matsushita Nai Xu co starred in Asahi's midday drama "xiaodoudou", in which he played the role of adult heiliuchezi.

2018年,主演漫改剧《我是大哥大》,并凭借该剧获得JAPAN ACTION AWARDS 2018年度最佳动作女演员奖 。

In 2018, she starred in "I am a cell phone" and won the best action actress award of Japan action awards in 2018.


In January 2020, the Japanese TV series "in a world of no black and white" co starring with Yokohama meteor, panda smiles. 》In the same month, he co starred with Matsuzaka Taoli in the live version of Ghibli's classic animation "listening to the ear"; on July 17, his comedy "I am a mobile phone version" was released.



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