

山本舞香(Yamamoto Maika),影视演员、平面模特,隶属于Biz事务所。

Yamamoto Maika, a film and television actor and graphic model, belongs to biz.


Born in niaoto County, Japan on October 13, 1997, he began to learn karate from grade 1 of primary school, and won the championship in the county assembly in Grade 6 of primary school; the target actress is Lihui Miyazawa; he has a good relationship with dunko Maeda and Yayu Nagano.



In 2010, Yamamoto appeared in the free magazine "bird for the beautiful girl" and was discovered by biz company as an artist of the company.


2011年,在三井rishouse广告的面试中合格,被选为三井不动产贩卖广告的第14任形象代言人;6月,开始担任时尚杂志《nicola》的专属模特 ;7月,通过出演伦理爱情剧《即便这样也要活下去》以演员身份初次亮相,并在该剧中饰演了女主角“远山双叶”的少女时期;9月,在上野树里主演的NHK大河剧《江·公主们的战国》里饰演历史人物“丰臣完子” 。

In 2011, he was qualified in the interview of Mitsui rishouse advertisement and was selected as the 14th image spokesman of Mitsui real estate sales advertisement; in June, he began to be the exclusive model of fashion magazine Nicola In July, she made her debut as an actor in the ethical love drama "to live even so", and played the heroine "two leaves in the distant mountains" as a young girl; in September, she played the historical figure "Toyotomi" in the NHK River drama "the Warring States of princesses" starring Ueno Shuli.


2012年1月,在松冈昌宏主演的穿越喜剧《13岁的Hello Work》中饰演神秘的优等生“田村真帆”;5月,参演小田切让主演的家庭喜剧《家族之歌》播出;11月,在TBS电视台时代剧《大奥~诞生~有功·家光篇》中饰演了历史人物“稻叶正则”的少女时期。

In January 2012, he played the mysterious top student "tanmura Zhenfan" in the crossing comedy "Hello Work at the age of 13" starring Songgang Changhong; in May, he took part in the family comedy "the song of the family" starred by Kota cherang; in November, he played the role of the historical figure "Inaba regular" in the time drama "big Olympics ~ birth ~ meritorious · family light" of TBS TV station.


2013年4月,在香取慎吾主演的奇幻爱情剧《幽灵女友》里饰演了女学生“京冢丽莎”;7月,参演藤谷太辅主演的漫改校园剧《假面教师》播出;10月,与佐藤胜利、神宫寺勇太、安井谦太郎等人联袂出演了校园剧《49》 ;同年,山本舞香还分别参演了两部悬疑推理电影《特别难解之谜 出题篇》和《特别难解之谜 解答篇》。

In April 2013, she played a female student "Jingzhong Lisa" in the fantasy love drama "ghost girlfriend" starred by Kazuo takeshigo; in July, she played the role of masquerade teacher, a campus drama starred by fujitani Taifu; in October, she co starred in the campus drama 49 with Sato Shengli, Yongtai of Shengong temple and Kentaro Yasui In the same year, Yamamoto also participated in two suspense reasoning films "the topic of a particularly difficult puzzle" and "the solution of a particularly difficult mystery".


2014年1月,与观月亚理莎、莲佛美沙子、田中圭等人合作共演校园剧《夜野老师》播出;5月,山本舞香从时尚杂志《nicola》顺利毕业 。

In January 2014, she co starred in the campus drama "YeYe teacher" with Ariza Kobayashi, lianfomei sand and Tanaka Kyi; in May, Yamamoto successfully graduated from the fashion magazine Nicola.


In March 2015, the action film "Assassin's classroom" was released in Japan

扮演了男主角“潮田渚”的同桌兼青梅竹马“茅野枫” ;11月,与中川大志联袂出演漫改爱情剧《小南的迷你情人》,饰演身体缩小的女高中生“堀越千代美”;同年,还参演了哀川翔主演的动作喜剧《Z岛》。

In November, he co starred with Nakagawa Dazhi in the Mangai love drama "Xiaonan's Mini lover" and played the shrinking female high school student "hori yueqiandaimei"; in the same year, he also took part in the action comedy "Z island" starring AI Chuanxiang.



In January 2016, I joined the time movie "Your Highness, I give you interest! 》In March, he premiered in Japan; in July, he starred in the film "Sakura rain", a youth group portrait film adapted from VOCALOID, which was the first time for him to act in the film And the film also participated in the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival.


2017年,在永野芽郁主演的漫改爱情电影《昼行闪耀的流星》上映,在剧中饰演了女主角“与谢野雀”的情敌兼好友“猫田柚柚香”;4月,主演短篇日剧《&美少女〜NEXT GIRL meets Tokyo〜》中的最后一个故事。

In 2017, it was released in the romantic film "shining meteor in the daytime" starring Nagano Yayu, in which she played the lover's enemy and friend "Maotian pomelo fragrance" of the heroine "and Xie yeque"; in April, she starred in the last story of the short Japanese drama & beautiful girl ~ next girl meets Tokyo ~.


2018年,与龙星凉合作出演漫改美食剧《绀田照的合法食谱》播出;3月12日,发售个人的首本写真集《サニー / ムーン》;同年,还与广濑铃、池田依来沙等人合作出演了温馨友情电影《阳光姐妹淘》,饰演角色“芹香”的少女时代。7月,出演TBS电视剧《Cheer☆Dance》播出。

In 2018, he co starred with long Xingliang in the manggai food drama "the legal recipe of gantianzhao"; on March 12, he sold his first photo album "サニー / ーン"; in the same year, he also co starred with hiroseling, Ikeda yilaisha and others in the warm friendship film "sunny sisters Tao", playing the role of "Qin Xiang" in her girlhood. In July, he played in the TBS TV series "Cher ﹣ dance".



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