

高畑充希(Takahata Mitsuki),日本影视演员、歌手,隶属于Horipro事务所。

Takahata Mitsuki, a Japanese film and television actor and singer, belongs to horipro.

1991年12月14日出生于日本大阪府东大阪市,孩提时期起,高畑充希就常常被父母带着去看舞台剧。13岁时,她在当时所属事务所Horipro的“山口百惠致敬音乐剧 Playback Part2~屋顶上的天使”主演募集甄选会中合格,2005年通过舞台剧而出道。2007年起,高畑持续6年担任音乐剧《彼特潘》主角(第8代)。

Born in East Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan on December 14, 1991, Takahata was often taken by his parents to see stage plays since childhood. At the age of 13, she was qualified in the selection meeting for the leading role of "Pew Yamaguchi salutes the musical playback part 2 ~ the angel on the roof" by horipro, the then affiliated firm. She made her debut in 2005 through a stage play. Since 2007, Takahata has been the protagonist (8th generation) of the musical "Peter Pan" for six years.


2005年,通过参演舞台剧《プレイバックpart2〜屋上の天使》以演员身份正式出道 。2008年,发行了个人的首张专辑《COLOR》。

In 2005, he made an official debut as an actor by participating in the stage play "プイバックククククククののの). In 2008, he released his first album color.

2013年,在晨间剧《多谢款待》中饰演男主角的妹妹西门希子一角而被更多观众熟知 。

In the drama of "Xi Jian", the leading actor of Xi'an opera, Xi'an was more popular in the audience.


2014年,参演了喜剧电影《女子战队》 [3] 和时代电影《温哥华的朝日》 。

In 2014, he participated in the comedy film "women's team" [3] and the time film "morning in Vancouver".


In 2015, she won the 84th Japanese opera academy award for her role in the social drama problem restaurant. In April 2016, he starred in the 94th work of NHK's morning drama "sister in charge"; in June, the love film "illustrated plants" co starring with Okada Iwata was released in Japan.


2017年,主演了音乐剧《我是真悟》、古典舞台剧《厄勒克特拉》、剧情片《镰仓物语》 和日本电视台(NTV)水十档新剧《受保护过度的加穗子》。

In 2017, he starred in the musical "I am true understanding", the classical stage drama "Electra", the feature film "Kamakura story" and ten new Japanese TV series "overprotected jiasui".


2018年10月,主演的美食剧《忘却的幸子》开播 。2019年1月11日,主演的日本TBS台电视剧《警察之家》播出,在剧中饰演新人刑警牧野日和;10月9日,主演的日本台电视剧《同期的小樱》开播,在剧中扮演为了梦想无论遇到怎样的困难都不会服输的小樱 。

In October 2018, the food drama "forgotten lucky son" was launched. On January 11, 2019, the starring Japanese TV series "police house" was broadcast, in which he played the new criminal police officer Makino rihe; on October 9, the starring Japanese TV series "Sakura of the same period" was broadcast, playing the role of Sakura, who will not lose no matter what difficulties they encounter.


尽管高畑充希很少担任主角,但在配角的位置上拥有绝佳表演,在我们所观看的作品中牢牢地留下了印记。她展现出独特的存在感,成为令人们瞩目的存在。在电影《青春之旅》中,高畑充希在空气感中展现出来的演技,是年过20岁的女演员很少能展现出来的。光是听着电影《铁道员》中高仓健吹哨子的场面就能使其落泪,这就证明高畑拥有干练(演员)的气场 。

Although Takahata rarely plays the leading role, he has an excellent performance in the position of supporting role, which leaves a strong impression on the works we watch. She shows a unique sense of existence, and becomes the existence that attracts people's attention. In the film "a journey of youth", Takahata's acting skills in the sense of air are rarely shown by actresses over 20 years old. Just listening to the scene of Takakura blowing his whistle in the movie "the railway man" can make him cry, which proves that Takahata has a capable (actor) aura.

2020年2月7日,主演的由福田雄一执导的电影《阿宅的恋爱真难》上映,片中饰演喜欢BL的腐女子桃濑成海 。

On February 7, 2020, the movie "a house's love is really hard" directed by yoshiichi Fukuda will be released, in which she plays a rotten woman who likes BL, TOSAI Chenghai.




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