

泽城美雪(さわしろ みゆき,Miyuki Sawashiro),日本女性声优、演员。所属事务所为青二事务所。

Miyuki sawaki, Miyuki sawashiro, was a Japanese woman voice actor. It belongs to the nijiji Jisho sho.


On June 2, 1985, he was born, and his younger brother was a son of Chiharu, and a western style of classical music. The name of the name is "Yuki Yuki," which means that the father of the father is the snow in the snow.



The reason is that the father of the father is named, and the Japanese people are able to be able to use the name of the usual name, and it is usual mixed. The mother of the mother-in-law, the father and the way, shouting "the light" is not "Schi" for the impression?



It is a low price, and it is very low in the person, and it is said that it is a low and low ground, and it is large, and it is a little, and it is a little, and it is a small amount, and it is small voice. I think that you are old, and I think that you are old, and I think that you are the only one of my eyes.


未进入过声优养成所的她经过同是D.U.P.成员的冰上恭子介绍,来到以外国影视吹替为特色的事务所Mausu Promotion,之后演技学习上得到了更好的指导,也获得了不少锻炼经验,可以明显地感觉她的声优本领技巧历精更始。

In addition to this, it is not possible to say that there is no such thing as an unprecedented voice.


In the autumn of 2007, it was the life of the theatre, and the stage of the stage was performed.



In 2009, she was the third speaker of the voice. It is true to the true performance of the multi part work.


In 2010, she was the fourth speaker of the voice. In the year of 2010, the number of paintings taken by the castle is a total of 219, and it is only a large number of seasons, and there is a 50 syllable voice.


2011年,获得第五届声优奖海外人气赏 。2011年,FAMI通2011年度大赏,最佳女主角奖。唯一在游戏界和动画界取得该成就的女性声优。

In 2011, the fifth largest voice of the sea. In 2011, the first year of the FIS was the largest, the best female squad. It is a woman voice of the best performance of the best place in the field.

2013年,NewType动画大赏2013 女性声优赏。

In 2013, newtype painting large 2013 female voice.

2015年,获得第九届声优奖助演女声优赏 ,同年8月1日移籍至青二事务所。

In the year 2015, she received the voice of the female voice actor, and she was transferred on August 1 of the same year.



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