


Masaya Sakamoto is a Japanese female voice actor, singer, actor and radio host.

1980年3月31日出生于日本东京都板桥区。东洋大学社会学部毕业,所属事务所为fortunerest,唱片公司为Flying Dog。

He was born on March 31, 1980 in Tokyo, Japan. He graduated from the social science department of Toyo University. His office is fortune, and his record company is flying dog.



When he was young, he was influenced by his father, who was a stage lighting man, and he became interested in performance. He entered the troupe and began to perform on stage and dub foreign films as a child star. His father, Yoshimi Sakamoto, is a representative of the Institute of stage lighting in LongQian. When Zhen Ling was born and worked in Malaysia, she decided her name in a different place. He likes fighting skills as well as Zhenling.



In 1988, 8-year-old Sakamoto joined the robins troupe. Two weeks after joining the troupe, Sakamoto received his first artistic talent job to sing advertising songs.

随后为NHK播放的海外电视剧《顽固じいさん孙3人(Our House)》的Dena配音,首次声优工作。这段时期演唱了大量广告歌与童谣,并参演了一系列广播剧和译制片,同时也有出现在舞台和电视上,但出于知更鸟剧团不能影响学习的原则,接手的主要还是不露面以便灵活安排时间的工作,这种倾向一直持续到她从东洋大学毕业。

Later, she dubbed Dena for the overseas TV series "our house" broadcast by NHK for the first time. During this period, she sang a large number of commercial songs and nursery rhymes, participated in a series of radio dramas and translated films, and also appeared on the stage and TV. However, due to the principle that the robins troupe could not affect her study, she took over the work of not showing up so as to arrange her time flexibly. This tendency continued until she graduated from Toyo University.



In 1992, he acted in the ova animation "little twins", dubbing in the animation works for the first time.


When he was 15 years old, he was discovered as a music producer;


In 1996, he launched his first single "restraint";



He was admitted to the Department of Sociology of Toyo University in 1998. During the University, he attended the professional seminar on time and went to other places to investigate and practice with his classmates. He lived an ordinary student life. The optional second foreign language is Chinese.

2010年在日本武道馆举行《坂本真绫15周年记念LIVE“Gift”》个人演唱会 ,成为第五位登上该舞台的声优;同时还以词曲创作人的身份为自己以及其他歌手作词、作曲,并尝试参与专辑制作;为演员娜塔丽·波特曼的日本译制片固定配音员。

In 2010, she held a solo concert of live "gift" in memory of the 15th anniversary of masayama Sakamoto in Japan's Wudao Museum, becoming the fifth voice actor on the stage; at the same time, as a songwriter, she wrote words and music for herself and other singers, and tried to participate in the production of albums; she was a fixed dubber for actress Natalie Portman's Japanese films.


代表作品有《黑执事》夏尔·凡多姆海恩、《空之境界》两仪式、《机动战士高达SEED DESTINY》露娜玛利亚·霍克、《樱兰高校男公关部》藤冈春绯、《物语系列》忍野忍等;代表歌曲有《奇迹之海》、《白金》、《指轮》等。

His representative works include "black deacon" Charles van domhain, two ceremonies of "the realm of the sky", "Luna Maria Hawke" mobile soldier "seed destiny", "Fujioka chunfei" of male public relations department of cherry orchid University "and" Naruto forbearance "of the story series; representative songs include" sea of miracles "," Platinum "," finger wheel ", etc.

2011年8月13日(日本时间),坂本与声优铃村健一双双在个人网站上公布了两人已于8月8日注册结婚的消息。在后来的采访中提到,结婚的决定与东日本大地震有关。9月,应世界遗产剧场委员会邀请,在申遗中的富冈制糸场举办了演唱会,并于BS富士播出节选。10月,“最初与最后的写真集”《坂本真绫 1st & Last 写真集“You can't catch me”‐ドキュメント2011.3.5-6.15》发售,并在该月出演单人朗読活剧《圣女贞德》与第一次推出连发单曲(《Buddy》与《おかえりなさい》)。同月个人电台《坂本真绫 from everywhere.》开始播出,这是她迄今为止开办过的播出范围最广的个人电台(由12个放送局联合播出)。11月推出第三张概念专辑《Driving in the silence》,个人电台《坂本真绫のビタミンM》也迎来了500回纪念并举办了生放送。12月举行了连续五日的第六次个人演唱会“in the silence”(共五场公演)。

On August 13, 2011 (Japan time), Sakamoto and Kenichi suzumura announced on their personal website that they had registered for marriage on August 8. In a later interview, the decision to get married was related to the East Japan earthquake. In September, at the invitation of the world heritage theatre Committee, a concert was held at the Fukuoka venue, which is under application for world heritage, and the excerpts were broadcast on BS Fuji. In October, the "initial and final photo album" the first & last photo album "you can't catch me" ドチキュメント2011.3.5-6.15, 2011 was put on sale in October, 2011.3.5-6.15, 2011, in October, 2011, the "first and last photo album" Sakamoto's 1st & last photo album "you can't catch me" ドドキュメン.3.5-june 15, 2011, 2011, March 5-6.15, 2011, in October, in October, the "first and last" first and last "you can't catch up with last & last photo album" you can't catch single album "first), and (3). In the same month, Sakamoto shinayama from everywhere began broadcasting, which is the broadest personal radio station she has ever run (jointly broadcast by 12 broadcasting bureaus). In November, the third concept album "driving in the silence" was launched, and the personal radio station "masayama Sakamoto" also ushered in 500 commemorations and held a live broadcast. In December, the sixth solo concert "in the silence" was held for five consecutive days.


2012年,再次与菅野洋子x岩里祐穂合作,演唱《code geass亡国的阿基特》的主题曲《モアザンワーズ》,同时出演女主角蕾拉·玛露卡尔(该片的导演也是坂本出道作《天空之艾斯嘉科尼》的导演赤根和树)。5月,“in the silence”的LIVE DVD/BD发行。同年开始出演音乐剧《长腿叔叔》的主角朱丽莎。

In 2012, he collaborated with Yoko Kanno again to sing the theme song of "code Geass's conquered aKit" and starred in the heroine Leila marukal (the film's director is Akagi wakami's director of "sky's escaconi"). In May, "in the silent" Live DVD / BD was released. In the same year, she began to play the leading role in the musical uncle long legs.


2018: the new single "《ハロー、ハロー》。


On December 8, 2020, she entered the Oriental beauty net and became a popular actress.



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