

水濑祈(みなせ いのり,Inori Minase),日本女性声优、歌手、演员。

Inori minase is a Japanese female voice actor, singer and actor.

1995年12月2日出生于东京都出生。所属事务所为AXL-ONE,唱片公司为King Records。

Born in Tokyo on December 2, 1995. The firm is axl-one and the record company is king records.



When I was a child, I had a vision for Venus, the sailor in "pretty girl warrior" and maolilan in "Detective Conan". After learning the existence of voice actor from my mother, I decided to become a voice actor and began to learn karate because of maolilan's influence.


Sony Music Artists的试听出身。初中三年级时,出演《世纪末超自然学院》中的冈本灯一角(第9话「雪のあかり」、第10话「暖炉のあかり」)而以声优身份出道。

The audition background of Sony Music Artists. In the third grade of junior high school, he played the role of Okamoto lantern in "the supernatural college at the end of the century" (the 9th words "Snow" and the 10th words "stove") and made his debut as a voice actor.


2016年,获得了第10届声优奖的主演女声优赏,第25届日本影评人大奖的新人声优奖。2016年4月14日,被任命为京都国际动漫展的应援支持者。而且所绘画的『八桥舞妓酱』会展示在京都国际漫画博物馆 。

In 2016, she won the leading female voice award of the 10th sound Excellence Award and the new voice award of the 25th Japanese film critic award. On April 14, 2016, he was appointed as a supporter of Kyoto International Animation Show. Moreover, the painting of "Baqiao geisha sauce" will be displayed in Kyoto International comics Museum.

2017年7月3日,正式宣布与Sony Music Artists事务所合同到期并将退出该事务所 [12] 。2017年9月1日,宣布移籍到AXL-ONE。

On July 3, 2017, it was officially announced that the contract with Sony Music Artists firm expired and it will quit the firm [12]. On September 1, 2017, the company announced its move to axl-one.



Music experience

2015年9月24日宣布了将会在自己20岁生日当天(即2015年12月2日)以个人名义作为歌手出道,并发售第一张个人单曲,唱片公司为King Records。

On September 24, 2015, it was announced that it would debut as a singer in his own name on his 20th birthday (i.e. December 2, 2015) and release his first individual single with the record company of King Records.


On November 19, 2016, a man in Taiwan threatened to kill shuilai Qi. Although the suspect was arrested immediately, the event also led to the cancellation of the on-site activities originally scheduled to be held in Taiwan in December, the commemorative activities for the sale of three orders and the subsequent on-site activities.

2017年12月2日在东京国际forum Hall A举行了第一次个人演唱会。

The first solo concert was held in Tokyo International Forum hall a on December 2, 2017.

2018年5月23日,发售第二张个人专辑《BLUE COMPASS》。

On May 23, 2018, the second album blue compass will be released.



Actor experience

2013年,在NHK的晨间剧《海女》中饰演成田丽奈。由此在同年的NHK红白歌会的企划单元中决定和海女的主要演员一起出场,作为"GMTスペシャルユニット feat.アメ横女学园芸能コース”的一员在舞台上披露了《暦の上ではディセンバー》。

In 2013, she played Narita in NHK's morning drama sea girl. As a member of "GMT スペシャルユニットトアメメコススャユニットトトアメメメコススのでディセバーバーヒヒヒのでニビニビビィィィバァ.

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