

竹达彩奈(たけたつ あやな,Taketatsu Ayana),日本女性声优、歌手。所属事务所为LINK-PLAN,唱片公司为波丽佳音。

Taketatsu Ayana is a Japanese female voice actor and singer. The affiliated firm is link-plan, and the record company is Caritas.

1989年6月23日出生于埼玉县,初中二年级时,进入I'm Enterprise系列的日本播音演技研究所学习。随后在籍于养成机关的剧团ヴォアレーヴ。

He was born in Saitama County on June 23, 1989. When he was a sophomore in junior high school, he entered the I'm enterprise series of Japanese broadcasting and acting Institute. Later, he worked in the troupe of the cultivation organ.


初中三年级时,15岁进入I'm Enterprise,成为当时进入该事务所的最年轻声优。2个月后,在2005年6月19日举办的I'm Enterprise八周年纪念“I'm祭”登场亮相。

In the third grade of junior high school, I entered I'm enterprise at the age of 15, becoming the youngest voice actor to enter the firm at that time. Two months later, I'm Festival, the eighth anniversary of I'm enterprise, was held on June 19, 2005.


2007年,在游戏《魂之摇篮 侵蚀世界者》中声优出道。

In 2007, he made his debut in the game "cradle of the soul, the ERODER of the world".


March 6, 2010, CO starred in "light voice girl! 》"After school afternoon tea time (HTT)" won the fourth echo award. On October 10, 2010, he became mayor of Takehara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, on the stage of his starring animation Yuxiang. On December 4, 2010, he played a role in the film the happy writing method of light novels.



On May 10, 2011, it appeared on the cover of seigura magazine. On September 17, 2011, he was the one-day stationmaster of Xi'an station to introduce the facilities and guides of the station.

2012年4月30日,离开I'm Enterprise,同年5月宣布移籍至Assemble Heart。

On April 30, 2012, he left I'm enterprise and announced his move to assembly heart in May of the same year.


2017年1月1日在博客上公布离开此前的声优事务所ASSEMBLE HEART,移籍至新事务所LINK-PLAN。同时新事务所LINK-PLAN也更新了竹达彩奈的个人页。

On January 1, 2017, it was announced on the blog that it left the previous sound excellence firm assembly heart and moved to the new firm link-plan. At the same time, the new office link-plan also updated the personal page of Zhuda cainai.

2012年4月11日,发布第一张单曲《Sinfonia! Sinfonia!!!》,正式以歌手身份出道。

On April 11, 2012, he released his first single "Sinfonia! Sinfonia!!!", which officially appeared as a singer.


2013年3月21日,与悠木碧结成组合「petit milady」。2013年5月15日,「petit milady」发售首张单曲《镜のデュアル・イズム/100%サイダーガール》。2013年8月25日,分别以本人和「petit milady」的名义第一次参加“Animelo Summer Live 2013”。

On March 21, 2013, he formed a partnership with Ubisoft called Petit Milady. On May 15, 2013, "Petit Milady" released its first single "mirror の mirror デ mirror アルイズム / 100% mirror サイダーール". On August 25, 2013, I participated in "animelo summer live 2013" for the first time in the name of myself and "Petit Milady".


2015年8月,在C88上发售以其在广播节目中所出演的虚拟小说家偶像“文野はじめ”名义的首张CD,由八王子P担当乐曲制作。11月4日,发售自己的第7张单曲碟《Little*Lion*Heart》,主打曲《Little*Lion*Heart》是从10月开始播出的TV动画《枪的假面舞会》的ED曲。附加曲《你的颜色 独白》是一首由竹达彩奈亲自担任作词。

In August 2015, the first CD in the name of his virtual novelist Idol "Wenye" in the radio program was released on C88, and the music was produced by eight Prince P. On November 4, he released his seventh single disc "little * lion * heart". The main song "little * lion * heart" is the ED song of TV animation "masquerade ball of gun" which has been broadcast since October. The additional song "your color monologue" is composed by Zhuda cainai himself.


2016年11月2日,竹达彩奈的新专辑《2次元》发售。歌曲收录TV动画《粗点心战争》的《Hey!カロリーQueen》、《枪与假面舞会》的《Little*Lion*Heart》等动画里面的歌曲,以及《Miss. Revolutionist》等单曲都将包含其中。

On November 2, 2016, Zhuda cainai's new album "two dimensions" went on sale. The songs include "Hey! Queen" from TV animation "dim sum war", "little * lion * heart" from gun and masquerade dance "and" miss. Revolutionist ".

2017年9月20日,petit milady组合的第四张专辑发售,其中收录了《秋叶原之旅》第10话ED《空腹からやりなおせ!》等11首歌曲。11月29日,发售精选专辑《apple feuille》。

On September 20, 2017, the fourth album of Petit Milady was released, which included the 10th episode of "journey to Akihabara" Ed "empty stomach! 》Wait for 11 songs. On November 29, apple feuille, the album of choice, will be released.


2018年2月25日举行演唱会“BEST LIVE‘apple feuille’”。

The concert "best live 'apple feuille'" will be held on February 25, 2018.


On January 12, 2021, I entered the Oriental beauty website.



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