95后 怪演女优 的自然之美

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Nao, a Japanese actress.


Born in Fukuoka County on February 10, 1995, naixu was discovered in Fukuoka when he was a senior high school freshman. Taking this opportunity, he joined Covergirl Modeling Agency (CGE) and began to work as a model and reporter.



On March 22, 2013, her first TV play "Fukuoka love book 8" was broadcast; on August 3, her inspirational play "Prince and his wife of Ming Dynasty" was broadcast.



In 2015, she took part in the TV series "Prince Ming and his wife 2"; on March 29, her TV series "I hate my father" starring Yingtai was broadcast; in the same year, naixu went to Tokyo to fight against her mother's opposition; on April 14, her TV series "beautiful women and men" starring Yuki Nakama was broadcast.



In 2016, she entered the actor school "porastar Tokyo College" where nobushima served as a comprehensive supervisor and studied acting skills for a year. On June 4, she starred in the horror film "rain girl" directed by qingshuichong. In the same year, she guest starred in the action film "hot blood block film version 2: red rain" starred by Takahiro, Osaka Guangchen and Saito Gong. On October 13, she starred in the food comedy "Chef ~ three star nutritious lunch" broadcast.


2017年,奈绪加入了东京的irving艺人事务所,并将艺名从“本田なお”改为“奈绪”;4月5日,她参演的由铃木京香和濑户康史主演的悬疑剧《冬芽之人》播出;4月6日,其出演的由高梨临主演的漫改爱情剧《爱情败犬向前冲》播出;4月16日,她参演的家庭喜剧《最终幻想XIV 光之老爹》播出;7月21日,其出演的由小池荣子、古田新太主演的电视剧《下北泽之虎胆龙威》播出;9月16日,她参演的由玉山铁二和佐佐木希主演的爱情剧《下雨时你的温柔》播出;10月14日,其出演的由瑛太与佐藤江梨子主演的电影《拳击场故事》上映。

In 2017, naixu joined the Irving artists office in Tokyo and changed her stage name from "Honda" to "naixu"; on April 5, she appeared in the suspense drama "the man of winter buds" starring Suzuki and Seto Yashi; on April 6, she appeared in the romantic drama "love dog rushes forward" starring Gao Lilin; on April 16, she appeared in the family comedy "love dog rushes forward" Final Fantasy XIV The movie "love between Katsuko and Katsuko" starred in the movie "love between Katsuko and Katsuko" on September 21, and "love between Katsuko and Katsuko" starred in the movie "love between Katsuko and Katsuko" on September 16.



2018年3月23日,其出演的电视剧《福冈恋爱白书13》播出;4月2日,她参演的由永野芽郁主演的女性励志题材晨间剧《一半,蓝色》播出 ,在剧中饰演女主角玲爱的闺蜜木田原菜生;7月14日,其出演的由波瑠主演的爱情喜剧《结婚大作战》播出 ;10月7日,她参与配音的短片动画《那时,那个女孩》开播,在片中为20岁的女大学生萌配音。

On March 23, 2018, her TV play "Fukuoka love book 13" was broadcast; on April 2, her morning drama "half, blue" with female inspirational theme starred by Yongye Yayu was broadcast, in which she played the leading lady Ling AI's best friend Kimura; on July 14, her romantic comedy "marriage battle" starred by poyu was broadcast On October 7, she participated in the dubbing of the short animation "then, that girl", in which she dubs a 20-year-old female college student Meng.



2019年2月22日,其出演的由佐藤健主演的日本古装片《武士马拉松》上映;3月1日,她主演的福冈地区电视剧《福冈美人来了!》开播 ;4月14日,其出演的由田中圭主演的悬疑推理剧《轮到你了》播出,在剧中饰演看起来非常可爱但行为怪异的尾野干叶,并凭借该剧获得了第102届日剧学院奖最佳女配角;同年,主演温情电视剧《野乃汤》,在剧中饰演非常喜欢钱汤的人力车夫鲛岛野乃;9月12日,其出演的电视剧《卡夫卡的东京绝望日记》播出 ;10月5日,她参演的由山本耕史主演的电视剧《想拥抱的12个女人》播出;10月8日,其出演的由阿部宽主演的情感剧《还不能结婚的男人》播出 ;10月29日,出演个人首出舞台剧《终わりのない》;11月30日,她主演的个人首部电影《瑶香的备前烧》,在片中饰演本浑浑噩噩过着日子,但因对一只大盘子一见钟情而拜师学陶艺的主人公小山瑶香 ;同年,主演电影《演じ屋 reDESIGN》;12月28日,其出演的SP剧《陌生人~上海的芥川龙之介~》播出。

On February 22, 2019, her Japanese costume film Samurai marathon starring Sato was released; on March 1, her Fukuoka TV series Fukuoka beauty is coming! 》On air On April 14, he starred in the suspense drama "it's your turn" starred by Tanaka Kuei, in which he played a very cute but weird looking Kano, and won the 102nd Japanese Drama Academy Award for best supporting actress; in the same year, he starred in the tender TV drama "yenaitang", in which he played a rickshaw driver named Jidao yenai who likes Qiantang very much; on September 12, he won the award for best supporting actress, Her TV series Kafka's Diary of despair in Tokyo was broadcasted; on October 5, her TV series 12 women who want to hug starred by Yamamoto kengshi was broadcasted; on October 8, her emotional drama men who can't get married starred by Abe was broadcasted On October 29, she starred in her first stage play "the end of the world"; on November 30, she starred in her first film "the preparation of Yaoxiang", in which she played Xiaoshan Yaoxiang, the protagonist who lived in a muddle but learned ceramic art because she fell in love with a big plate at first sight; on the same year, she starred in the film "the house of performing arts" On December 28th, his SP play stranger Akutagawa Ryunosuke in Shanghai was broadcast.



2020年,其出演的电影《用甜酒漱口》上映;1月20日,搭档藤藤谷太辅出演的电视剧《无论生病或是健康的时候》播出;2月21日,她参演的由千叶雄大主演的悬疑片《虽然只是弄丢了手机:被囚禁的杀人魔》上映 ;4月3日,其出演的电影《キスカム!Come on,kiss me again!》上映 ;6月28日,其出演的由千叶雄大主演的电视剧《双重预约》播出;7月28日,她参演的由玉木宏主演的悬疑剧《龙道 双面复仇者》上映,在剧中饰演支持主人公龙一的专业IT女、“不笑的女人”远山凛子;8月14日,搭档渡边大知出演的爱情片《我喜欢的女子》上映;8月28日,其出演的由龟梨和也主演的恐怖片《凶宅怪谈》上映,在片中饰演暗中支持主人公的化妆助手小坂梓;10月16日,搭档松本穗香出演的电影《澪之料理帖》上映;10月27日,其参演的由有村架纯主演的电视剧《姐姐的恋人》播出,在剧中饰演主人公桃子的发小、在旅行社工作的滨野美雪 。

In 2020, her film "gargle with sweet wine" will be released; on January 20, her TV series "when you are sick or healthy" will be broadcast; on February 21, her suspense film "although you just lost your mobile phone: the imprisoned murderer" will be released; on April 3, her film "when you are sick or healthy" will be released! Come on, "Kiss me again!" was released; on June 28, her TV play "double appointment" starring Chiba xiongda was broadcast; on July 28, she took part in the suspense drama "dragon road" starring yumuhong "Double faced Avenger" was released, playing a professional IT woman supporting the protagonist longyi and "a woman who doesn't laugh" Yoko Yuanshan; on August 14, the love film "the woman I like" starred by his partner Dazhi Watanabe was released; on August 28, his horror film "strange talk in a cruel house" starred by Kui rihe also was released, in which he played the makeup assistant Osaka who secretly supported the protagonist On October 16, the film "Shu Zhi Cai Li Tie" starring with Miki Matsumoto was released; on October 27, the TV series "sister's lover" starring Yasukuni Murakami was broadcast, in which she played the role of the protagonist, Meixue Hamano, who worked in a travel agency.


In 2021, the film "you'll always be younger than those guys" starring naixu and Sakuma was released.




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