

福圆美里(ふくえん みさと,Fukuen Misato),日本女性声优、舞台演员,所属事务所为Sigma Seven。

Fukuen Misato, a Japanese female voice actor and stage actor, works for sigma seven.


Born in Tokyo on January 10, 1982, the stage name of dubbing game: Kawabata. The common nicknames are "ミサトン" and "deputy ヘッド". I have a brother.



I have a lot of respect for the senior who came from the same girls' school. Kazuo Kondo and Kokura Jieyi have been good friends since middle school.



Compared with other sound actors, Shuishu nainainai, menhou Wuyi, zhongxihuan, Xikou Youxiang, Saito Taozi, Matsuzaki YAHIKO, hirsutsu Ayana, Sasakawa yayanai, Hideki Kitamura, Shanan Shazhi, Komatsu, etc.



Music supervisor Yingxing Tanaka was a mentor from high school. Baseball knowledge seems to be very poor, did not know that Yomiuri giant belongs to the Central League. My father seems to be a giant fan.


The date of birth, blood type and occupation of Shi Lai Guanghong are the same, and even the past residence and mother's name are the same. I used to own the same kind of mobile phone. On January 9, 2009, the two celebrated their birthday together for the first time under the surprise of the company.


游戏代表角色有 《樱之诗》夏目蓝《苍之彼方的四重奏》仓科明日香 、《五彩斑斓的世界》二阶堂真红 等。

The representative characters of the game include "poetry of cherry", "Xia Mulan", "Quartet of the other side of the blue", "cangke Asaka", "colorful world" and so on.

1998年,在游戏《etude prologue 驿动的心》中以樱木美里的名义声优出道。

In 1998, in the game "Etude prologue" in the name of Sakuragi Meili voice out.



In 2002, in the animation "new love white book", the stage name was changed to fuyuanmeili.


In 2004, tamago formed a "tamago" with the voice actor.



In 2004, he and yasiko Matsuzaki and Ayana hirayana formed a troupe called "the second female enterprise painting" and performed once or twice a year.


 In 2006, due to physical reasons, Ping Songling withdrew from the "second daughter enterprise" program, leaving only Fuyuan Meili and Matsuzaki yasiko to work together.


担当同务所水树奈奈的广播节目《水树奈々 スマイルギャング》的副首,也就是助手。

As the assistant of the radio program "shuishunai" of shuishunai.


In the first ten days of August 2008, due to health reasons, she gave a speech to play the part of makumi waizumi in Shiling zero, which was originally scheduled to play. Blog also stopped updating for half a month.


动画代表角色有《黑猫》伊芙、《流星之洛克人》响美空、《DARKER THAN BLACK -黑之契约者-》银、《强袭魔女》宫藤芳佳、《出包王女》金色暗影、《夜樱四重奏》枪樱姬、《十字架与吸血鬼》黑乃胡梦、《神样DOLLS》枸雅诗绪、《我的朋友很少》志熊理科、《Smile光之美少女!》星空幸 / Cure Happy、《黄昏少女×失忆》小此木桃绘、《魔法少女奈叶ViVid》柯萝娜·迪米尔、《情热传说 the X》艾德娜、《美少女战士Crystal 》小小兔 /水兵小月亮等。

The representative characters of animation include Eve in black cat, xiangmeikong in Rockman of meteor, and darker than black -"The black indenter -" silver "," attack the witch "Miyagi Fangjia," the king's daughter "Golden Shadow," night cherry Quartet "gun Yingji," the cross and the vampire "black is Hu Meng," God like dolls "Goya Shixu," my few friends "Zhixiong Rico," the beautiful girl of smile light! 》Starry sky / cure happy, dusk girl x amnesia little peach painting, magic girl Nye vivid Colona demir, love legend the X Edna, beautiful girl warrior crystal little rabbit / sailor little moon, etc.



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