假面骑士 写真集首秀


内田理央(Uchida Rio), 1991年9月27日出生于东京都,演员、写真模特,隶属于LesPros事务所。2010年10月,通过出演电视综艺节目而出道。2013年10月,凭借在特摄剧《假面骑士Drive》中饰演美丽女警“诗岛雾子”一角受到大众关注,2015年10月,开始担任时尚杂志《MORE》的专属模特。

Uchida Rio, born in Tokyo on September 27, 1991, is an actor and a photo model of lespros. In October 2010, he appeared in TV variety show. In October 2013, with the role of "Shidao Wuzi" as a beautiful policewoman in the special show "masked Knight drive", she received public attention. In October 2015, she began to be the exclusive model of fashion magazine "more"


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