南韩神颜的美 奔三更美妙



Here we go, Yanzu. This is the "beauty star hall". I would like to chat with you about the sexy topics of beauty stars in the entertainment circle every day, and share the content of beauty pictures, fashion clothes, entertainment gossip and so on. Like beautiful star friends, we must pay attention to Oh!

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这一话,咱来聊聊金智媛。金智媛(Kim Ji Won),韩国女演员,1992年10月出生于韩国首尔特别市衿川区,2010年因与Bigbang合作拍摄某品牌手机广告,而正式出道。金泰熙的五官精致,清新亮丽,被很多人称为“南韩神颜”。

Let's talk about Jin Zhiyuan. Jin Zhiyuan Kim Ji won, a Korean actress, was born in Jinchuan District, Seoul special city, South Korea in October 1992. She made her debut in 2010 because she cooperated with BigBang to shoot a mobile phone advertisement of a certain brand. Kim Tae hee's facial features are delicate, fresh and beautiful, and many people call him "South Korean God face".

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If you are familiar with Han Yu, you should be familiar with Jin Zhiyuan. She once played Yin Mingzhu in the Korean drama "descendants of the sun", creating the image of a female lieutenant who dares to love and hate. I believe many friends are deeply impressed with her. And Jin Zhiyuan's appearance is quite good, with outstanding appearance, concave and convex body, pure and sexy, which makes her win the hearts of many fans.

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金智媛自2000年出道,便开始担任主角,当年就主演了个人首部电影《浪漫天堂》。出道这些年来,也是屡次担任主角,有不少的代表作,比如说High Kick 3、继承者们、太阳的后裔、三流之路、都市男女爱情法等。

Since her debut in 2000, Jin Zhiyuan began to play the leading role in her first film, Romantic Paradise. In the past few years, he has played the leading role many times. There are many representative works, such as high kick 3, heirs, descendants of the sun, third rate Road, urban love law, etc.

当然,女神也是需要荣誉来支撑的,不然就会显得庸俗,而金智媛在这方面也没让人失望,看看她获得过哪些奖项:2013年SBS演技大赏New Star赏、2016年APAN Star Awards女子演技奖、2016年亚洲明星盛典Best Celebrity奖、2016年KBS演技大赏新人赏&迷你剧优秀演技赏、2017年KBS演技大赏人气赏&迷你剧优秀演技赏等。

Of course, the goddess also needs honor to support, otherwise it will appear vulgar, and Jin Zhiyuan has not let people down in this aspect. Let's see what awards she has won: New Star Award of SBS performance in 2013, apan Star Awards for women's performance in 2016, best brilliance award of Asian Star Festival in 2016, new talent award of KBS performance in 2016 & excellent performance award of mini drama In 2017, KBS Performance Award & Mini drama excellent performance award, etc.


Jin Zhiyuan, 29 years old, is pure, sweet, delicate and elegant. The beauty of South Korea is breathtaking! Do you like her? The comments section is for you“ Beauty star Museum ", focus on sharing the sexy beauty stars in the entertainment circle, pay attention to it quickly!

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