


Cang Jingkong, a Japanese actress and singer, is the first leader of Japanese women's group huibishou musk grape, and now a member and og leader.


Born on November 11, 1983 in an ordinary family in Tokyo, Japan, with two elder brothers, one elder sister and one younger sister. After graduating from high school, Cang Jingkong entered the junior college to study as a nurse and obtained the national qualification of nurse. Shortly after that, AOI, who had just turned 18, was discovered by star scouts on the streets of Shibuya, and entered the AV industry after weighing again and again.



At the beginning of the 21st century, she made her debut as a swimsuit photo model. In 2002, she signed a contract with Alice Japan to become an AV actress. Because of its "childlike breast" characteristics, it began to gain popularity;



Since 2003, she has won the first prize of sexy female artist of the year in Japanese "video boy" magazine for two consecutive years. In 2003, she began to perform in general TV drama and variety show.



In November 2004, he moved to S1 and became a magazine model and movie actor. His main works include "runaway flower".



In 2017, it announced that it would quit the AV actress industry. On January 1, 2018, cangjingkong published his wedding ring on Weibo and announced that he was married.


On December 11, 2018, cangjingkong announced the good news that she had been pregnant for five months.


2019年1月11日,苍井空在微博晒照,宣布自己怀上双胞胎。5月1日,苍井空诞下双胞胎,两个宝贝 2.200公斤和2.500公斤。

On January 11, 2019, Cang Jingkong took a photo on his microblog and announced that he was pregnant with twins. On May 1, cangjingkong gave birth to twins, 2.200kg and 2.500kg.




There have been many controversies about the comments of AOI in the society.

力挺派认为:苍井空有着勤奋好学的精神,不但自学中文,还常常在微博中用中文与粉丝互动。其次,苍井空的敬业精神也令人称赞,在活动开始前,她会提前数小时抵达活动地点,对表演内容反复练习,精益求精。 此外,玉树地震时,苍井空的人道主义精神和社会责任感,通过把出售写真募到的10万多日元捐给中国红十字会而体现和传达出来。中国网友们亲切的称她为“德艺双馨的苍老师”。

The support group thinks: Cang Jingkong is diligent and studious. He not only teaches himself Chinese, but also often interacts with his fans in Chinese on Weibo. Secondly, AOI's professionalism is also praiseworthy. Before the event, she will arrive at the venue several hours in advance to practice the performance repeatedly and keep improving. In addition, during the Yushu earthquake, cangjingkong's humanitarian spirit and sense of social responsibility were reflected and conveyed by donating more than 100000 yen raised from the sale of the photo to the Red Cross Society of China. Chinese netizens affectionately call her "teacher Cang of virtue and art".



Opposition figures said: the heroine of an adult film is insulting and depraved. She has received so much attention from the public. This phenomenon itself is abnormal. We can't let the phenomenon of AOI prevail in China.


Some neutrals also said that when he came to China in his personal capacity, he was well dressed and polite to participate in public activities, enthusiastic about public welfare, and in the face of cultural differences, he needed to be treated with a tolerant attitude and evaluated with an objective and calm perspective.



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