


Korean actress Qiu Cixuan and Chinese actor Yu Xiaoguang often show their love in the show after their marriage.

韩国女星秋瓷炫与国内男星于晓光结婚多年,生了一个儿子,一家三口幸福美满,还在实境秀《同床异梦2》大方晒恩爱,她更说过下辈子也要嫁于晓光 。岂料,于晓光近日被媒体拍到和美女同车,夸张的是让女生坐自己大腿上玩手机,亲密举动令网友崩溃:这是出轨了?

Korean actress Qiu Cixuan has been married to domestic male star Yu Xiaoguang for many years. She has a son and a happy family of three. She also shows her love on the reality show "different dreams in the same bed 2". She even says that she will marry Yu Xiaoguang in her next life. Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaoguang was recently photographed by the media in the same car with a beautiful woman. The exaggeration is that she let the girl sit on her lap and play with her mobile phone. Her intimacy made the netizen collapse: is this cheating?



It's not easy to get married in a foreign country. Tsai Lin, a Korean star who became popular in Asia with "fall in love with female anchor", failed to get married to Chinese actor Gao Ziqi at the end of last year. Meanwhile, the marriage between Qiu Cixuan and Yu Xiaoguang, who have been developing for a long time in China, is in crisis. Qiu Cixuan, who co starred with Peng Yuyan in "love fragrance" that year, opened up her overseas fame. In 2015, she had an open relationship with Yu Xiaoguang, who got married because of the drama. In 2017, she registered for marriage and gave birth to her son the next year. Qiu Cixuan once developed epilepsy after childbirth and was sent to intensive care unit for treatment. Fortunately, it didn't hurt.

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In recent years, Qiu Cixuan has moved her career back to South Korea, and her husband and wife are separated from each other. When she filmed a cooking film in May, she also videotaped her husband: how do you say bean sprouts in Chinese? The interaction is normal. Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaoguang was recently revealed by the media that he was playing in a bar late at night. After getting on the bus, he let a beautiful woman in green sit on his lap and play with her mobile phone with a smile on her face. With the exposure of the intimate picture, Netizens feel sorry for Qiu Cixuan. They can't help but doubt that Yu Xiaoguang's image of a good man who loves his family and wife is just a person.


In the past, Qiu Cixuan once said to Yu Xiaoguang in the program: for the first time and the last time, if you dare to have an affair with other women... Yu Xiaoguang immediately replied: I'll die, you'll die. Porcelain dazzle ask again: can let me rest assured? Yu Xiaoguang comforted her and said: don't worry. Now it seems particularly ironic. As qiucixuan is well-known in both China and South Korea, public opinion on both sides began to rally and denounce Yu Xiaoguang for his indecency. But in view of the marriage rumor, both sides have not responded.

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