

本田真凛(Marin Honda)2001年8月21日出生于日本京都市。花样滑冰女子单人滑运动员。

Marin Honda was born in Kyoto, Japan on August 21, 2001. Figure skating female solo skater.


2016年德布勒森世界青少年花样滑冰锦标赛女子单人滑比赛的金牌。 [2] 妹妹是著名演员本田望结。

The 2016 Debrecen World Youth figure skating championship won the gold medal in the women's single skating competition[ 2] My sister is a famous actor Honda Wangjie.



Makin Honda's brother Taiichi Honda, two sisters Honda Wangjie and Sakai Honda all practice figure skating. Makin Honda's father longyi Honda acts as a coach and agent, while his grandfather runs four enterprises with an annual income of more than 2 billion yen. The expenses of the four brothers and sisters' flower skating are all arranged by grandpa.



Shinrin Honda won the 9th place in women's single skating in the 2015-16 all Japan figure skating championship


On December 12, 2015, shinrin Honda won the bronze medal with a slight advantage of 0.53 by virtue of 114.95 points and 178.64 points in free skating in the finals of the International Skating Federation figure skating Grand Prix.



On March 19, 2016, in the International Skating Federation World Youth figure skating championship, after the short program, Zhenlin Honda, who ranked second, won the gold medal in women's single skating with 126.87 points in free skating and 192.98 points in total. This is also her first time to participate in the world youth competition.



On March 19, 2017, in the International Skating Federation World Youth Figure Skating Championships held in Taiwan, China, shinrin Honda scored 133.26 points in free skating and 201.61 points in total, breaking the 200 point mark for the first time, giving up the best performance of the season and winning the second place.


2017年9月16日,本田真凛在美国国际花样滑冰经典赛女子自由滑的比赛中,以自由滑131.52分,总分198.42分的成绩夺得冠军。 [8] 本田真凛在该场比赛中因缺氧意识模糊,却依旧滑完全程。 [8] 这也是本田真凛升入成年组的首战。

On September 16, 2017, shinrin Honda won the championship in the women's free skating competition of the American international figure skating classic with 131.52 points and 198.42 points[ 8] Shinrin Honda still skated through the whole course because of lack of oxygen and blurred consciousness in the game[ 8] This is also the first battle for makin Honda to be promoted to the adult group.



On October 29, 2017, in the Canadian leg of the International Skating Federation figure skating Grand Prix, shinrin Honda ranked third with 125.64 points in free skating, but because of the short program, he finally ranked fifth with 178.24 points.



On November 4, 2017, shinrin Honda won the fifth place in the China cup of the world figure skating Grand Prix.


On December 23, 2017, in the all Japan figure skating championship and the final selection meeting in Japan for the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games, shinrin Honda won the seventh place with 193.37 points and missed the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games.



It was released on November 7, 2019. Recently, a special figure, shinrin Honda, appeared on the field in the Canadian figure skating station. This time she came on with an injury and won the 10th place in the game. The ranking of the game is no longer important for her. As long as she can play, it is a miracle.


On July 28, 2021, shinrin Honda made great achievements in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.




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