


The beauty standard formulated by Wu Duowei has 33 conditions,


A woman who meets all the conditions is a beauty.

1. 身高在1米64到1米70之间。

1. The height is between 1.64 m and 1.70 M.

2. 体重在50公斤到60公斤之间。

2. The weight is between 50kg and 60kg.



3. 胸部的大小,在C到E之间。

3. Chest size, between C and E.

4. 耳朵和脸的角度,在170度到175度之间。

4. The angle between ears and face is between 170 degrees and 175 degrees.

5. 下巴两边的角度,在100度到115度之间。

5. The angle on both sides of the chin is between 100 degrees and 115 degrees.

6. 面部上,痣的大小,在0毫米到0.5毫米之间。

6. On the face, the size of the mole is between 0 mm and 0.5 mm.

7. 眼睛的宽度,在1厘米到1.1厘米之间。

7. The width of the eyes is between 1 cm and 1.1 cm.

8. 眼睛上端3毫米以上,没有凹线。

8. The upper end of the eye is more than 3mm, and there is no concave line.


9. 眼睛上端到眉毛的距离,比眼睛的宽度,大1毫米到2毫米之间。

9. The distance from the upper end of the eye to the eyebrow is 1mm to 2mm larger than the width of the eye.

10. 眉毛往上翘5度到10度之间。

10. Raise your eyebrows between 5 and 10 degrees.

11. 两只眼睛的距离,比一只眼睛的长度,大3毫米到6毫米之间。

11. The distance between two eyes is between 3mm and 6mm larger than the length of one eye.

12. 鼻子的宽度,比一只眼睛的长度,大3毫米到6毫米之间。

12. The width of the nose is between 3mm and 6mm larger than the length of one eye.

13. 嘴巴的宽度,比两个虹膜的距离,小0毫米到5毫米之间。

13. The width of the mouth is 0 mm to 5 mm smaller than the distance between the two irises.


14. 下嘴唇的厚度,比眼睛的宽度,大0毫米到1毫米之间。

14. The thickness of the lower lip is 0 mm to 1 mm larger than the width of the eyes.

15. 上嘴唇比下嘴唇薄1毫米到3毫米之间。

15. The upper lip is 1mm to 3mm thinner than the lower lip.

16. 鼻子下端和上嘴唇上端之间的垂直距离,比下嘴唇的厚度,大1毫米到2毫米之间。

16. The vertical distance between the lower end of the nose and the upper end of the upper lip is 1mm to 2mm larger than the thickness of the lower lip.

17. 下嘴唇下端到下巴下端的距离,比下嘴唇下端到鼻子下端的距离,小2毫米到5毫米之间。

17. The distance from the lower end of the lower lip to the lower end of the chin is 2 mm to 5 mm smaller than the distance from the lower end of the lower lip to the lower end of the nose.


18. 眼睛下端和鼻子下端之间的垂直距离,比上嘴唇上端和下巴下端之间的垂直距离,小0毫米到5毫米之间。

18. The vertical distance between the lower end of the eye and the lower end of the nose is 0 mm to 5 mm smaller than the vertical distance between the upper end of the upper lip and the lower end of the chin.

19. 发际线上端和眉毛上端之间的垂直距离,比眼睛上端和鼻子下端之间的垂直距离,小0毫米到5毫米之间。

19. The vertical distance between the upper end of the hairline and the upper end of the eyebrow is 0 mm to 5 mm smaller than the vertical distance between the upper end of the eye and the lower end of the nose.

20. 额头往后斜15度到20度之间。

20. Tilt your forehead back between 15 and 20 degrees.

21. 眼睛比额头往后6毫米到1.2厘米之间。

21. The eyes are 6 mm to 1.2 cm behind the forehead.


22. 眼睛上端的水平线和鼻子的交点,比额头往后0毫米到2毫米之间。

22. The intersection of the horizontal line at the upper end of the eye and the nose is 0 mm to 2 mm behind the forehead.

23. 眼睛下端的水平线和鼻子的交点,比额头往前2毫米到4毫米之间。

23. The intersection of the horizontal line at the lower end of the eye and the nose is between 2mm and 4mm ahead of the forehead.

24. 下巴往前凸1毫米到2毫米之间。

24. The chin protrudes forward by 1mm to 2mm.

25. 下巴比额头往后0毫米到2毫米之间。

25. The chin is 0 mm to 2 mm behind the forehead.


26. 下嘴唇比下巴往前4毫米到6毫米之间。

26. The lower lip is between 4 mm and 6 mm forward of the chin.

27. 上嘴唇比下嘴唇往前2毫米到4毫米之间。

27. The upper lip is 2 mm to 4 mm forward of the lower lip.

28. 嘴巴往前倾10度到15度之间。

28. Tilt your mouth forward between 10 and 15 degrees.

29. 鼻子和嘴巴的角度,在90度到95度之间。

29. The angle between nose and mouth is between 90 and 95 degrees.

30. 鼻子比嘴巴往前1.3厘米到1.6厘米之间。

30. The nose is 1.3cm to 1.6cm ahead of the mouth.


31. 笑的时候,露出的部分,没有牙齿上端以上的牙龈。

31. When laughing, the exposed part has no gums above the upper end of the teeth.

32. 笑的时候,露出的牙齿间隔,在0毫米到0.5毫米之间。

32. When laughing, the spacing of exposed teeth is between 0 mm and 0.5 mm.

33. 笑的时候,露出的牙齿排列整齐。

33. When laughing, the exposed teeth are arranged neatly.




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