沉鱼落雁 闭月羞花



1. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a woman named Xi Shi in the state of Yue. She was a Huansha woman with upright facial features and pink peach blossoms. When she was washing her gauze by the river, the clear river reflected her handsome figure, making him more beautiful. At this time, the fish saw her reflection, forgot to swim, and gradually sank to the bottom of the river. Since then, Xi Shi, the nickname of "sunken fish", has spread around.

2、汉元帝在位期间,南北交兵,边界不得安静。汉元帝为安抚北匈奴,选昭君与单于结成姻缘,以保两国永远和好。在一个秋高气爽的日子里,昭君告别了故土,登程北去。一路上,马嘶雁鸣,撕裂她的心肝;悲切之感,使她心绪难平。她在坐骑之上,拨动琴弦,奏起悲壮的离别之曲。南飞的大雁听到这悦耳的琴声,看到骑在马上的这个美丽女子,忘记摆动翅膀,跌落地下。从此,昭君就得来“落雁” 的代称。

2. During the reign of emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty, the north and South exchanged troops, and the border could not be quiet. In order to appease the northern Huns, emperor yuan of the Han Dynasty chose Zhaojun to form a marriage with Shan Yu in order to ensure the eternal peace between the two countries. On a crisp autumn day, Zhaojun said goodbye to his hometown and set off for the north. Along the way, horses hissed and geese roared, tearing her heart and liver; The feeling of sadness made her uneasy. On the mount, she plucked the strings and played a tragic parting song. The geese flying south heard the sweet sound of the piano and saw the beautiful woman on the horse. They forgot to swing their wings and fell to the ground. From then on, Zhaojun got the nickname of "falling wild goose".


3. Diao Chan, a prostitute of situ Wangyun, Minister of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, was worshipping the moon in the back garden when a light wind suddenly blew and a floating cloud covered the bright moon. At this time, Wang Yun saw it. In order to publicize how beautiful his daughter looks, Wang Yun said to everyone that my daughter is more beautiful than the moon. The moon can't compare. He quickly hid behind the clouds. Therefore, Diao Chan is called "closed moon".

4、唐朝开元年间,有一美貌女儿叫杨玉环,被选进宫来。杨玉环进宫后,思念家乡。一天,她到花园赏花散心,看见盛开的牡丹、月季……想自己被关在宫内,虚度青春,不胜叹息,对着盛开的花说:“花呀,花呀!你年年岁岁还有盛开之时,我什么时候才 有出头之日?”声泪俱下,她刚一摸花。花瓣立即收缩,绿叶卷起低下。哪想到,她摸的是含羞草。这时,被一宫娥看见。宫娥到处说,杨玉环和花比美,花儿都含羞低下了头。“羞花”称号得来。

4. During the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, a beautiful daughter named Yang Yuhuan was elected to the palace. After Yang Yuhuan entered the palace, he missed his hometown. One day, she went to the garden to enjoy the flowers and relax. She saw the blooming peonies and roses... She thought she was locked in the palace and wasted her youth. She couldn't sigh. She said to the blooming flowers, "flowers, flowers! You are still in full bloom year after year. When will I have a bright future?" she burst into tears. She just touched the flowers. The petals contract immediately, and the green leaves roll up and lower. Unexpectedly, she touched Mimosa. At this time, she was seen by a gong'e. Gong'e said everywhere that Yang Yuhuan was more beautiful than the flowers. The flowers were ashamed and lowered their heads. The title of "shy flower".


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