缅甸艺术家缪温昂Myoe Win Aung作品惊艳世界



He has painted Myanmar for 24 years, and his works amaze the world!

缅甸艺术家缪温昂Myoe Win Aung 1972年出生于缅甸仰光。1989年在缅甸国家美术学院开始绘画学习,1992年毕业。师从艺术大师U Lun Gywe, U Kyaw Lay, U Mya Aye and U Thit Lwin Soe。

Myanmar artist Miao wenang myoe win Aung was born in Yangon, Myanmar in 1972. He began to study painting at Myanmar National Academy of Fine Arts in 1989 and graduated in 1992. Under the guidance of art masters u Lun gywe, u Kyaw lay, u Mya aye and u thit Lwin SOE.



He is a full-time artist, and his preferred media are watercolor and oil painting. Most of his paintings are scenes of monks and nuns in Myanmar's daily life, buffalo carts in the rain, family life, work and entertainment. Today, let's follow him and take a look at Myanmar in the picture.



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