伊藤美来(いとう みく,Itō Miku),日本的女性声优、歌手。
Ito Meilai is a Japanese female voice actor and singer.
1996年10月12日出生于日本东京都,所属事务所为Style Cube,唱片公司为日本哥伦比亚;东京都(日语平假名:とうきょうと),日本的都,日本三大都市圈之一东京都市圈的中心;东京旧名江户,其名称来自于1457年筑城江户城。
Born on October 12, 1996 in Tokyo, Japan, with style cube as its office and Columbia as its record company; Tokyo (Hiragana: とうきょうと), the capital of Japan, the center of Tokyo Metropolitan Area, one of the three metropolitan areas in Japan; Tokyo was formerly known as Edo, whose name came from the city of Edo built in 1457.