鬼头明里(きとう あかり,Akari Kito),日本的女性声优、歌手,所属事务所为Pro·Fit ,唱片公司为波丽佳音。
Ogre akari (Araki Kitto), Japanese female voice actress, singer, joint fit place, fit fit, voice wave.
Oct. 16, 1994, born in Japan, the three major cities in Japan are located in the present-day nakataka Chubu District in the central Japan metropolitan area. It is the heart in Japanese system construction. It is a famous high school such as Nagoya University.

Pro Fit声优养成所毕业。2015年4月,成为Pro Fit准所属,2019年4月成为正所属。
It is a voice of the pro fit voice. In April 2015, it was a member of the pro fit associate, April 2019.
In July 2019, the singer went out to the public, and the sound of the sound company was the sound.

Shocho GA GA (picture scroll), Shoka (Waka poem), and kusuki (brocade).
The self: Re: self! The scene of the scene is tsuki no tsuki sakuraka.

代表作有《欢迎来到实力至上主义的教室》堀北铃音、《调教咖啡厅》日向夏帆、《皇帝圣印战记》希露卡·梅连提丝、《昴宿七星》碓冰咲月、《天使降临到了我的身边!》姬坂乃爱、《鬼灭之刃》灶门祢豆子、《一个人的○○小日子》本庄亚琉、《Re:STAGE! Dream Days♪》月坂纱由、《实况主的逃脱游戏【直播中】》更屋敷花凛、《街角魔族》千代田桃、《虚构推理》岩永琴子、《地缚少年花子君》八寻宁宁、《安达与岛村》安达樱、《总之就是非常可爱》由崎司、《LoveLive!虹咲学园学园偶像同好会》近江彼方等。
The representative work is "the lecture of the master of the power of the Lord." On the other hand, kinsaku isaka, ogre no Hana, and hitotsushi, the first man and the little sun child, Honjo Tsugaru, "re: stage. Dream days." Yuzuruda, "lovelive!"