峯岸南(峯岸 みなみ),日本女歌手,原日本女子组合AKB48 1期生 [2] ,衍生小组合no3b、AKB48 Team Ogi的成员 。
Minami minegishi (Minami minegishi), Japanese female singer, original Japanese women's Association, AKB48 1st generation [2], Yao Dao No. 33b, AKB48 team ogi.
On November 15, 1992, he was born in Tokyo and went to Tokyo for four and six years, and the first step of the study was the first day of the year. (1) the first day of the dance was the first day of the dance, and in the end of the year, the reception was carried out, and it was a long time ago.

2002年3月,小学生时代参加“Hello!Project·Kids Audition”的甄选落选。
In March 2002, the elementary school student participation "Hello! Project kids edition" is an idiot.
2005年12月,从AKB48公开甄选会7,924名参加者中作为24个合格者之一加入Team A。
In December, 2005, the AKB48 public meeting group of 7924 participants participated in 24 participants.

2006年10月,在“想见你演唱会”后加入DefSTAR Records事务所开始正式出道。
In October 2006, we were able to participate in the meeting of the destar records.
On July 3, 2007, the transfer of the production of trees was performed.

2008年8月,参加电视剧《猫街》,并在此剧中初次参与电视演出。 9月2日,与小嶋阳菜、高桥南两人合组“no3b”。10月,初次主演电视剧《帅男偶像》(no3b主演)。
In August 2008, participants participated in the "cat town", which was the first participant in the center. On September 2, yojima Kojima and Takanami internatioed "no3b". In October, he starred at the first starring performance (starring no3b).

2009年7月,在出演的电视剧《吸血鬼男孩》中饰演稻叶早纪。 7月8日,在“AKB48第13张单曲选拔总选举”中以1,414票获得第16名进入单曲选拔。8月23日,当天举行的“AKB104选抜成员组阁祭”夜公演中发表其将在2010年开始移动到Team K的决定。
In July 2009, she appeared in "vampire man" appearing in early stage. On July 8, "AKB48 1313 predicated songs" was put on the 14th, and the 16th was taken out. On August 23, this event was held in Tokyo on July 23, "akb104."
2010年1月8日,出演《马路须加学园》,饰演峯岸南(学生会长)。 3月12日,移动到Team K(秋元Team K)。6月9日,在“AKB48第17张单曲选拔总选举”中以9,692票获得第14名进入单曲选拔。
On January 8, 2010, he appeared in the south of minamikishi campus. March 12, moved to Tek K (Akimoto team K). On June 9th, "AKB48 No.17 extended songs" is a total of 14692 votes.

2011年4月15日,出演《马路须加学园2》,饰演尺(抢镜)。 6月4日,作为主角之一出演的《如果高中棒球的女经理人读过杜拉克的管理学的话》电影版在日本上映。6月9日,在“AKB48第22张单曲选拔总选举”中以26,070票获得第15名进入单曲选拔。9月7日,首次获得独立代言机会,作为代言人独立出演日本卡巴斯基的广告,并以“峯岸化”为口号推行网络安全活动。9月20日,在AKB48第二届猜拳大会中,获得第三名。
On April 15, 2011, he appeared in the lecture (2). On June 4, he appeared in the movie in the center of the Japanese version. On June 9th, "AKB48 22nd 220000 consecutive songs" was put on the 26th, and it was 15070 votes, and it was fifteen. On Sept. 7, the second party of the independent exchange desk, the Japanese translation of the representative, the Japanese version of the Japanese version, and the "fogging" is a safe and active. On September 20, AKB48 was the second person to participate in the final fist.

2012年3月30日,作为AKB48的代表之一,参加在东京巨蛋的日本职业棒球开幕式,并演唱日本国歌。4月10日,被AKB48总制作人秋元康指名担当AKB汽车部的部长,并担当富士电视台“ AKB汽车部”节目的主持人。4月13日,作为演员参演的电视剧《汤咖喱》正式在日本TBS电视台播出。6月6日,在“AKB48第27张单曲选拔总选举”中以26,038票获得第14名进入选拔组。8月24日,“AKB48 in TOKYO DOME ~1830m的梦想~”演唱会初日的组阁中,发表其将移动至Team B的决定。 11月1日,移动到Team B(梅田Team B)。
March 30, 2012, the AKB48 representative was made to participate in the participation of the Japan national football team, the Japan national anthem. On April 10, AKB48 was a member of the AKB club in charge of the AKB express section, and the chief executive officer of the AKB club. On April 13, the performance of the production performance is performed in the official TBS power box. On June 6, "AKB48 No.27 extended songs" is a total of 14038 votes. On August 24, "AKB48 in Tokyo Dome ~ 1830m meditation" is held in the first day of the recitation party in the first day of the concert. November 1, moved to TEB B (Umeda Team B).

2013年1月14日,参加在东京神田明神举行的成人式。 [38] 1月31日,因为《周刊文春》在1月30日所报导的事件,峯岸缺乏自觉的行为引起各方的不安及骚动,峯岸决定以削去长发的方式向AKB48成员、粉丝、工作人员、其家人及其他各方道歉。 2月1日,同样因为上述事件,被降格为AKB48研究生。
On January 14, 2013, the ceremony was held at the Kyoto Kannada Myojin shrine. On January 31, the statement was held on January 30 in the same year, and the Bank of Japan was responsible for the anxiety of the bank. [39] February 1, the same cause, the case of abb48 was dropped.

2014年1月28日,日本产经新闻对刚力舞进行大篇幅的报道。 2月24日,在举行的“AKB48团体大组阁祭~时代变幻。但是,我们只能向前!~”活动中,运营宣布其仍为Team 4队长。
On January 28th, 2014, Nippon Securities Co., Ltd., a new company in charge of dance and dance, is a big practice road. On February 24th, we went to the AKB48 community Grand Prix Festival. But before we go! At the time of the activation, it is team4 enthusiast.
2015年3月26日,在“AKB48春季单独演唱会~次期还在修行中!~”演唱会的组阁中,宣布其将移动至Team K,并担任Team K队长。
On March 26, 2015, the AKB48 spring and summer recital held in the next period. In the role of the performers' Association, the proclamation of the team is Tek K, and the director team K wresteng.

2016年4月9日公开的映画「女子高」首次主演。 6月18日,在“AKB48第45张单曲选拔总选举”中以40,011票获得第17名进入Under Girls,连续四年没有进入选拔组,并成为under girls的center。 7月12日、自己的第一部写真「私は私」(竹书房)刊行。
On April 9, 2016, he was starring at the official movie "onna high". On June 18, "AKB48 45 45 minutes" will be included in the number of 41111 votes, and the 17 girls will be under the old girls. On July 12, my first part photograph "I am" (bamboo broccoli) is published.
2017年6月17日,在“AKB48第49张单曲选拔总选举”中,获得第19名进入Under Girls,连续⑤年没有进入选拔组。12月8日,于AKB48 12周年剧场公演上宣布新的组阁人事异动,宣布还是Team K的成员,并且取消Team K的队长
On June 17, 2017, "AKB48 449 extended songs" was held in 19, and the number of unemployed girls in the year ended. On December 8, we made an announcement on the 12th anniversary of the

On June 16, 2018, in the 10th AKB world campaign, the total of 39020 votes were held for six years.
On December 8, 2019, we made an announcement of "AKB48 to 14th anniversary special performance" on AKB48 in autumn.
On March 18, 2020, you will be able to continue to work on the first day of the year.